Workday Wednesday

This week has been kind of crazy. I have been doing some sewing, but we are remodeling one of our bathrooms (that is really gross) so that has been taking up a good bit of time. I'm waiting on the tile to buy grout and some other things. Hoping it will come soon!

I did manage to make a couple of sweet bags for my nieces. Complete with pockets on the front!
And sew some bags. Left are sewn, right are patiently waiting…
 And buzzed some handles through the serger…
What about you? Make anything fun lately? Do tell or send me a link, I'd love to see! Teresa

PS--TODAY marks 2 months from surgery and I will GREAT!


  1. I made shampoo, lotion and hair conditioner. No sewing...

    I'm so thrilled to hear you are doing well.


  2. Your nieces bags are very cute! Happy 2nd Month Anniversary! We are really very happy that you have recovered so well!

  3. I just learned how to knit and I have been making infinity scarves. I enjoy it very much. However, I do not get things done that I should be doing!!!

  4. Ooooh, that sounds fun Maria! I've always wanted to make soap.

  5. Thanks Tami, I think they will like them. I'm thrilled about the recovery too. Feels good to be back in the swing of things!

  6. Oh Cindy, don't I know how that is! I'm always doing the fun stuff first!

  7. Last week I made a cake for birthday brother! It was an interesting experience!

  8. That is an interesting birthday cake! It looks like Jell-O??

  9. This cake is covered with fondant. It is a bit shiny and like jelly.


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