Workday Wednesday

We are on a little spring break trip to Crested Butte. It is beautiful here. YAY! I'll share some photos soon. While we are gone we are getting one of our baths redone (before and after pics in the near future) and my cousin is house sitting. Win win!

I'm doing some hand stitching this week. I was a huge dork and organized my embroidery thread…
I did some embroidery for TWO different babies with the same name. Weird, huh? I had to double check to make sure I wasn't making it up, since the name is so unusual. One is for a friend of mine and one is for a friend of my sister. I'll finish these up when I get home. They will be sewn on a towel set and a burp cloth.
Remember this idea I posted on Photo Finish Friday a couple of weeks ago? This is my first attempt at it. Fun to make!
And, this is the one that Little Man is making…
He's doing a good job. How about you? What are you up to this week? Teresa


  1. Looking great! I'm still unpacking more boxes. Little man is doing great!

  2. Thanks Tami, he has gotten more done and I started a new one that I will take a photo of soon. Glad you are getting those boxes unpacked!

  3. I am a total dork, too, and my embroidery floss looks just like yours!


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