I was wrong, another Germany post! Gah!

I did bring some fun things to give out while I was in Germany. First off all my sweet Bagettes got a sewing theme pouch. I added the Green Bag Lady patches too. Just a little token of my appreciation for all they do! (I sell lots of pouched through TeresaMade, my etsy shop, that I need to restock!)
I also gave out bags (no surprise there!). Harmony Art Organic Design and Amy Butler were kind enough to send me fabric. Harmony's fabric is behind the green bag and orange bag. Amy Butler fabric on right.
 Amy Butler fabric on right.
Harmony's Animal Farm fabric was a HUGE hit. Everyone loved the sheep! I only had a few of them and they were the first to go! I got to meet these lovely ladies in the Brother sewing machine booth. Both of them were so lovely! I have several Brother machines and love them.
Look at the cool Green Bag Lady logo bag that Margriet made for herself! Love! And, she is holding the Amy Butler bag I made her too.
This is all of us again. I'm holding one of the Amy Butler bags with more bags inside that I gave out after the blogger presentation.
Nora from Pattarina got one of the bags. I'll be talking more about Nora in the future. She's a sweetheart and quite an innovator!
 Bagette Alicia got an Amy Butler bag too and is putting it to excellent use!
A huge thanks to Harmony and Amy Butler for the generous gifts of fabric. The bags were a HUGE hit! :) Teresa


  1. Love seeing you taking the mission international! ROCK ON Green Bag Lady!

  2. This is amazing! My husband went on a mission for his church over 20 years ago to Germany! I would love give him a bag from there. Thank you for the opportunity. Marcella(dot)Walker81(at)gmail(dot)com


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