Photo Finish Friday

Couldn't resist taking of photo of these gorgeous tulips in Germany.
Oh spring, where are you? We got dumped on with snow again this week!
Cool! (thanks Ingeborg)

Awesome Audrey!

Way to go Green Bag Lady Germany!

Marianne has set up a blog for Green Bag Lady Parker, CO!

What the what?

She's awesome.


I would love to go enjoy my cabin this weekend but I have too much to do here at home. Oh well, Is there ever a bad day in a sewing room? Well, maybe if it involves prom dresses with annoying hems. Ha! I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing weekend. I'll be back on Monday. XOXO--Teresa

1 comment:

  1. Dude... that what the what was seriously disturbing!
    Thanks again for all you do and all you share and all you are!
    You're biggest fan!


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