
I'm back from the funeral of my mother-in-law in Minnesota and catching my breath. This summer has been a whirlwind for sure! First moving Big Girl to Philadelphia for her internship, then Japan, and the unexpected trip to say good bye to sweet Barbara (most wonderful mother-in-law a girl could ask for) and soon leaving to see Harmony in California. Whew! Sharing a few photos here from MN…

This is my heart in a nutshell…look how tall Little Man has gotten, no longer little!
All of hubby's side. His siblings, spouses and all the grandkids…4 handsome grandsons and 3 gorgeous granddaughters (I might be a little biased!).
 A girl and an aging dog selfie! Ha!
 Me and my girls…
 Great family time even if the cause for the get-together is not a happy one…
Hope you are having a grand summer. Can't believe I'm off and running again in a short while! XOXO to all you lovely readers and thanks for the condolences for our loss--Teresa


  1. What lovely photos. Whew you have been busy this summer. Enjoy it all and take it all in. Thanks for sharing the photos. Is that a blue heeler? My sister has one. She used to have two. Hers were fabulous family dogs.

  2. Can hardly wait to see some of these beautiful faces in person!! Hugs to all those grieving and what a legacy sweet Barbara has left.


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