Workday Wednesday

This past week I have been a busy girl. I made a bunch of zipper pouches, some for specific reasons/people, others just for fun. This elephant one is for me, it's pretty big and I'm going to use to to carry hand sewing items when I'm traveling. The boxes and bags I have been using are fine, but not ideal. This one is perfect! I'm going to make a smaller one to go in it to hold needles, scissors and such.

These ones are just for fun and I'll probably use as gifts. I have had this fabric for a while and didn't know what to do with it. They turned out darling!
 More just for fun but I'll probably end up using one of these for travel purposes…
 More fun…
This one is for Harmony's mother in law (who is recovering from a car accident) and it uses her fabrics…
 inside and out…
 And these are for Harmony who has been doing a ton of traveling lately…

 I finished up the towel set and spittie that I showed you last week

 And I made another plastic canvas needlepoint and it turned out so fun!
 I framed it in a cheap Ribba frame and matt from Ikea…
And hung it in Little Man's room! He loves it. When he finishes the one he is working on, I'll frame it too if he wants.
I did sew some bags and handles too, but those photos are boring so I'll spare you. My to do list is SO long. Sheesh. Better start plugging away on it. How are you? Do tell. Teresa


  1. I love all the sweet things you make! You are so very creative. I finally got a few bags sew this week. Still trying to find my scissors and and iron. We gave up on finding our house phone and just bought a new one. Hope you have a very Happy Easter!

  2. Aw, thanks Tami! I would have loaned you an iron and scissors! You should have said something last time you were here. I have plenty!!!

  3. You're very talented!
    I love everything you do

  4. Hey, GBL, love your little zipper bags! Did you make up your own pattern or use someone else's? I'd like to make some of these. Great for in-between-times when I don't have a big project I'm working on. Or can't get to it for some reason!

  5. MissesStitches--

    Here is the tutorial I followed at first:

    Now I make them all different sizes. I just measure the total length of the zipper and make that edge of the fabric the same length, height can be whatever you like.

    Happy sewing!


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