Europe Trip--Day 1

Our first day in Europe was spent in Frankfurt, Germany. Lovely city, though we didn't see much of it. We were pretty jet lagged when we got there about 2pm. We found our way to the hotel and then took the train downtown for dinner. We did get to see Eschenheimer Turm which has a really interesting history. Next we head to Salzburg, Austria! Teresa


  1. Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue... I haven't quite clear understood if you are on trip right now or it is reminiscence?..

  2. We are back from the trip now. We were there in July. :) I didn't have very good internet while I was there and could not post photos.

  3. Don't take this the wrong way... but I just watched European Vacation a couple of weeks ago and I must say you guys would make the perfect updated Griswald adventure cast! --- Seriously!

  4. Oh Harmony, I thought the same thing SEVERAL times!!!!!


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