As an artist that sews, I can't help but ADORE Devorah Sperber…

Artworks made out of spools of thread? Yes. Please. Thank you. Love. One of my new favorite artists…

I am interested in the link between art and technology, how the eyes prioritize, and reality as a subjective experience vs. an absolute truth. As a visual artist, I cannot think of a topic more stimulating and yet so basic, than the act of seeing--how the human brain makes sense of the visual world. -- Devorah Sperber, 2005

See all these incredible works HERE. Teresa

Florida Bag!

I got it!

Thanks so much!!



(I think Lauren wins the prize the the speediest photo! She just won this bag in the Sew Mama Sew freebie. Thanks Lauren! Teresa)


Due to the holiday weekend, we are EXTENDING the fabulous STITCH SIMPLE freebie for ONE MORE DAY! You now have until 10pm May 31, to enter. Quick, GO!

Thank you to those of you who have already entered, you will be hearing from Bagette Dad shortly. If you DO NOT already have a bag from us, you will get one! Yay! Everybody wins! Jen from Stitch Simple will draw the 5 winners on June 1st and will will announce them that day. Teresa

Stitch Simple Organic '11 Freebie!

Hey folks, I know we just finished that HUGE Sew Mama Sew freebie, are you ready for another one? Thought so. This is GREAT! I am so excited about it.
The FABULOUS Jen from Stitch Simple is generously giving FIVE prizes to my wonderful readers. And, here they are:

One Stitch Simple Quilt Kit (this means that the fabric is already washed, ironed, cut and ready to sew, can you believe that???) of Harmony Art Organic Fabric and designed by yours truly! :) The finished quilt will look like the picture below. Evelyn, Chocolate Brown, Whispering Grass Aqua and Solid Aqua are the Harmony Art fabrics included in the 40"x50" kit. (This quilt is also featured right now on Stitch Simple as the Quilt Kit du Jour!)
The other FOUR prizes are $25 promotional gift cards to the Stitch Simple shop! WOW! You could get a quilt kit, some Harmony fabric, or anything else that suits your fancy!

Here is what you need to do to enter:

•LEAVE A COMMENT, IN THE COMMENT LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THIS FORMAT: name(at)something(dot)com it is important to spell out dot and at so you don't get spam, if you DO NOT leave an email address, we will not hunt you down to send you a freebie, thanks.

•In your comment, tell us your favorite thing about quilting. If you are not yet a quilter, tell us if having this kit would help you start!


•FIVE LUCKY WINNERS WILL BE CHOSEN FROM THE COMMENTS TO WIN! ONE person will win the quilt kit and FOUR others will win the promotional gift cards.

Good Luck! Teresa and Jen from Stitch Simple

International entries OK.

Kids and Cicadas…

We are still in the midst of the 13 year cicadas that I posted about here and here. Kids are absolutely FASCINATED by them. Probably because they just sit there and let them pick them up, get them on a stick and carry them around. They seem to have no fear of hands coming at them or anything. One of the bagettes called them "dumb" maybe they are?

This is Bagette Alicia's daughter who I am told "likes to torture her older sister with them"…
 My Little Man is enamored with them…
 He collects many per day…
 Our bug box is getting quite the work out…

My Little Girl likes to collect them and compare sizes, we have learned from research that the females are the larger ones and that only the males make noise. They sometimes "scream" when you pick them up which is a bit disconcerting…
Today is the last day of school here, hope you have a good summer! Remember, check back tomorrow for another great freebie! Teresa

Produce Bag Winner!

Hi Teresa!

Just wanted to send you a quick picture of my lovely produce bags I won from you last month.  As you can see, I am putting them to good use at the farmer's market.  Those are fava beans, fuji apples, and green & yellow zucchini.  The veggies all came from local growers, and the apples are from less than 70 miles.from here.  One of the great things about living in California has to be that we can have year round farmers markets, so those bags will get a LOT of use!

Thanks again!


Rachel Hulan, CID, IIDA
Path Design

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

PS, check out Rachel's fabulous blog on green design!!!

Sew Mama Sew Freebie Winners…

This is a photo of all the bags packed up and ready to be sent! 

Thank you to everyone that entered the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day! We had such fun reading all your comments. My father  (David VanHatten aka Bagette Dad) will be sending emails to all the winners. Please check your email AND your spam folder in case it goes there. Congrats to the winners!

The emails subject is:  Green Bag Lady, TakeOneMakeOne_5_2011  and your email as BCC(hidden)

The winners of the Harmony Art fabric stack are:
Andrea Campbell--West Palm Beach, FL
Carmen Nuland--Galesville, WI

Also, many of you expressed interest in purchasing some of Harmony's fabric. The link HERE will give you all the information that you need. Enjoy!

We will be having another WONDERFUL freebie beginning Friday. I'll give you a couple of hints, it includes sewing, promotional gift cards, quilting AND Harmony's fabric (yes, again!). Stay tuned and join us for that freebie too!

Hugs to all of you! Teresa


YAY! Another Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day! Guess what we have for you? 100 Green Bag Lady shopping bags up for grabs made out of HARMONY ART ORGANIC FABRIC! BUT, that's not all, with your bag you will also get a kit (Harmony Art Organic fabric as well) to make a bag to GIVE AWAY and encourage another person to stop using paper and plastic bags. Isn't that great? Take One, Make One round IV. . .

These are the bags that 100 people will win made out of Harmony Art Sweet Jane fabric
A side note about the fabric, this Sweet Jane fabric is Harmony Art seconds so it may not be absolutely perfect, but it will still be absolutely lovely!
 This is the kit that those same 100 people will get made out of Harmony Art Stumps Speak in denim
 It will make a great sturdy tote that looks like this, pattern is HERE, how to video is HERE
But that's still not all! 2 of those 100 people will be even MORE lucky to get a stack of fabulous Harmony Art 100% cotton organic fabric. There are 3+ yards total in each stack and contain, Evelyn sateen, Pink Moon sateen, Eyes of the World sateen, Let it Grow Brown twill, Whispering Grass Aqua sateen, & Solstice knit, YUM! The stacks are tied with 3 yards of wonderful Divine Twine in 4 colors, 12 yards to reuse in a fun way!

Winners will receive: One Green Bag Lady shopping bag already made for you to use instead of paper or plastic AND one bag cut out and ready for YOU to sew and GIVE AWAY to encourage someone else to stop using paper and plastic.

Very easy shopping bag pattern is HERE. How to video is HERE.

To enter this freebie do the following:

•LEAVE A COMMENT, IN THE COMMENT LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THIS FORMAT: name(at)something(dot)com it is important to spell out dot and at so you don't get spam, if you DO NOT leave an email address, we will not hunt you down to send you a freebie, thanks.





•Yes, we will ship internationally.

Good Luck! Teresa and the Green Bag Lady Team

PS--HUGE thank you to HARMONY for all the amazing fabric

Bread! Bread!! BREAD!!!

Where do I begin? How about with Harmony. When I was visiting her last month she told me that she had begun baking bread. My head snapped up, jaw dropped and something along the lines of "what?" popped out of my mouth. You see, Harmony does not cook, or bake* (she has a fabulous hubby to do that for her) (*apparently Harmony is the baker in her family, sorry Harmony!) so I was surprised that she had tackled something as fussy as baking bread WITHOUT a bread machine. Then she told me how easy it was and walked me through it and sent me THIS LINK while we were sitting on the couch. I actually remembered seeing this article in Mother Earth News when it hit our mailbox, but dismissed it as another, "they make it sound easy, but it's really not" type of things.

Well, let me tell you folks, it IS easy and I can prove it. Here are the complete step-by-step instructions for you to make your own homemade bread too. I have been baking bread on an almost daily basis now and my family adores me for it. I ordered the book too, it's wonderful, from HERE.

All you need are these 4 ingredients, sea salt, flour, yeast and warm water. Yup, that's it!
Then you use the 6-3-3-13 method (you can 1/2 this recipe). 6 cups of warm water, 3 tablespoons of yeast (all three packets shown below)…
Add 3 tablespoons sea salt & stir (I should note here that my family thought the bread was too salty for their liking on my first batch so I have since cut back to 2 tablespoons sea salt and it still works great!)…
Then add any combination of 13 cups of flour that you desire. I have made loaves with white, whole wheat and oatmeal flours in a variety of combinations, they were all wonderful. However, I usually do 9 cups of whole wheat and 4 cups of all purpose white flour. I mainly use organic flours…
 Here is where I give in and just mix it with my hands, messy, but works well…
 It will look something like this. Let it sit on the counter for 2 hours…
 After 2 hours it will look like this…
Cover loosely and put it in the frig. I am using the insert of my crock pot for a bread bowl. It was the only container I had that was big enough and did not have a tight fitting cover. For more info on this, read the instructions HERE.
Let it sit in the frig for anywhere from 2 hours to 2 weeks (yes, 2 weeks!) and it is ready to bake. Prepare a pizza paddle with a bit of cornmeal so the dough doesn't stick…
 Use a serrated knife to cut off about 1/4 of the dough (approximately grapefruit size)…
 Form it into a loaf (you may need to flour your hands first as it is sticky)…
 After you form your loaf, put it on the cornmeal, sprinkle it with flour and let it sit for 40 minutes…
Heat your oven to 450 with a pizza stone on a middle rack and a broiler pan (just the bottom part) on the rack below it. Before you bake it, score it with a serrated knife (the sprinkled flour helps with this process)…
Once your oven is at 450, pour 1 cup of boiling water into the broiler pan (I heat this in the microwave) and slide your dough onto the pizza stone, in just 30 minutes you will have this…

YUM, YUM, YUM, super easy, super delicious, super healthy, NO yucky stuff like fillers, preservatives, sugars, corn syrup or partially hydrogenated anything!!!!

Now, what did I do with the rest of the dough that I didn't bake? It stayed in the crock pot and went back in the frig and will become bread or cinnamon rolls or pizza crust tomorrow and beyond. SO very easy. I am a busy gal and if I can make this work, anyone can. Try it and let me know how you do. The link again to Mother Earth News is HERE. The link for the Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day website is HERE.

Go, get off the computer and make some bread dough, you probably already have the ingredients! Teresa

I promise, this is not a paid advertisement. :) I just love the bread!


We will be doing a HUGE freebie starting on Monday in conjunction with Sew Mama Sew's May Giveaway Day. Don't miss it! Send your family and friends, we will have 100 prizes to give away.

Don't miss tomorrow's post on making your own, fresh, easy BREAD. YUM! I promise, it is SO simple! Join me! Teresa

Massachusetts Bag!

I finally got a picture of my bag in use. I put it up on my blog:

Thank you!!!

Jessica Musumarra
Methuen, MA
bag #14584

Hawaii Bag!

Dear Bagette Dad...

This is a great project.  In the 1980's I was a member of the Marin Conservation League, and we created the very first "paper or plastic? Just say 'neither'!" cotton bag with our logo on it.  We sold it to stores all over Marin County CA as a fund raiser, and within months most stores started carrying their own including Safeway.  So I am way into supporting The Green Bag Lady. Your cloud bag arrived last week.

Mahalo! Green Bag Lady!

Willa Marten
Captain Cook, Hawaii

Have you seen these creative bags?

The only thing that could make them better would be to make them out of fabric!

I think this jumprope one is my fav. Hope you are having a good week! Teresa

Virginia Fleck

Artist Virginia Fleck lives in a cozy little house in Austin TX with 100′s of thousands of plastic bags that she has been amassing for the past decade. Armed only with an Exacto knife and a bunch of tape she transforms the would be trash into large scale intricately crafted, logo laden, meditation mandalas that analyze the activity of shopping as a spiritual encounter. She cites celebrity yoga and Hollywood Buddhism as her inspirations. See more of her work at Virginia Fleck website!