Knit Mask Tutorial

Are you making masks? I have 60+ almost complete and have given away 6 already. In going through the fabric I have from Harmony, I found a lot of knit fabric. Knits don't work well for bags so it has just been hanging out. I decided to try to make a mask out of it and see how it went. It works great AND is stretchy AND you don't even need elastic for the tutorial. AND, you can make these out of old t-shirts. How cool is that???

Stretch of knit fabric should be on the 9 inch side of the fabric so the mask will stretch horizontally when worn.

I have started adding wire to the top of all the masks I am making so they can form fit around the nose. It's easy to add to finished masks.

Here we go:

That's it. I'm off to finish the cotton ones, just need to sew wire in. After that, I'm going to finish 9 knit ones I have cut out. Happy sewing! Teresa


MissesStitches said...

I made myself a mask out of a sports t-shirt that no one was wearing! I've read that the knit is a good thing for filtering for these masks.

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Yes, I think it is MissesStitches. YAY!