Missouri Green Bag Lady!

As you can see by the attached picture, I have started to make bags.
I am using my husband's old jeans.

I have passed your pattern to my quilt friends at work and church group.

Thank you so much!
Toni Kreicbergs


Anonymous said...

Awesome use of jeans! Good job Toni!

Pam Scott said...

great work. how can i get one and help? unfortunately, I don't know how to sew. Pam Scott

Anonymous said...

those are awesome! Way to go!!!! Where in Missouri are you? I can't sew but I can cut maybe I can help?? Would love a jean bag too!!!
Great Job, Kelly G

The Little Green Store said...

Toni, I am cristine, the green bag seamstress, and I was making a list of others who are making bags. It's on my blog at greenbagseamstress.blogspot.com and I was windering if you would like your name on the list of seamstresses???