California Bag!

I'm sorry this has taken me awhile to get to you but I'm hoping this is better late than never. I'm also going to pop a small donation in the mail to you as well to help with postage.

First off, I love the bag! Every time I use it I think of you and how your simple idea has really taken hold and has inspired GREAT things! You show us that taking steps, no matter how small they may seem, can lead to big things down the road. I applaud you!

I'm using the bag almost every day to take home my son's empty baby bottles & bibs from his babysitter's. Before, all of the bottles and dirty bibs were in a plastic bag - so just by switching to your bag, it's cutting down on ~20 plastic bags a month!!

Here's a pic of me & my son -- with our bag of course (and the bottles in the background). Thanks for helping me go green. (And you've inspired me to get other fabric bags for my grocery shopping, too... the next step is converting my husband)!

All the best,
Liz --San Diego, CA--712

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