Blissful Rain!

I am in Heaven. It has been raining here in Nashville for the past two days and I could not be happier. We have had 2 summers now that were very dry. I love trees, flowers and plants and it breaks my heart to see them drooping from thirst. The first thing my kids say when it is raining is, "Oh, mom, aren't you happy? The trees and the flowers are so happy." They know how I feel. We have never sang "Rain, rain go away. . ." at our house.

Rain also makes me very productive. And, my University has been on Fall Break too so I have had some time to sew. Did you watch the Debate last night? It was here at Belmont University where I teach. Campus has been a crazy, nutty place lately. Back to productive. I sewed almost 100 bags together yesterday along with oodles of handles. My dad is visiting so he helped with the trimming of said handles.

My bagettes and I will pack up more envelopes on Sunday so if you still have not gotten your bag (about 200 of you) have no fear, we are closing in on the finish line!

Don't forget to leave a comment for free produce bags! Today is the last day!

I have the window open and love the sound of raindrops! Best wishes to all of you, and I hope that you are enjoying your weather! Teresa


Red said...

I love the rain. Don't get me wrong, if it comes in the form of a hurricane, I am not as pleased.

I love rain.

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...


Yes, I would imagine that would put a damper on things! We are too far inland here in Nashville, thank goodness!
