Hi Teresa,
I just got a email from your dad that I would be receiving a bag from you. I'm so excited! I have downloaded all of your patterns and I made 7 bags last night and took them to work with me. I gave them all to my fellow employees and they were sooooooo happy to receive them I let them see the bags first and they just loved them and then I told them they could pick out one and have it, if and only if, they promised to use them instead of plastic or paper. Needless to say I came home with no bags and many orders for more.
This first picture is of the ones I gave away today. The next picture is what I made tonight that more people have requested. If you look below where the bags are hanging on the floor you will see 2 little gift bags that I made of camo. Someone wanted 2 little camo pouches for hunting. So I thought the gift bag pattern would be just the thing for that. It will keep plastic from ending up on the ground in the woods.
I will send you more pictures when I receive your bag. Thank you for what you have done and what you are doing. You have put a spark in all that has heard or read about you to get off our hands and get busy. Together we can win this war against destruction of our environment. Please let me know If I can help you in any way. In the mean time I am doing what I can here in my area.
Connie Colley, South Carolina
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