How was your day? I hope it was delightful and spent with good friends and family just like mine!
Bagette Dad has been a busy beaver this past week packing boxes for the Live Green Expo in Texas this coming Saturday. If you live anywhere near Plano, TX, make sure you come and see us. The Expo is free and there will be plenty of information on going/being green and fun activities for kids too!
We have some extra shopping bags and Bagette Dad is all ready to ship them out to folks who don't already have a bag that leave a nice comment here. Tell us your favorite thing about being green! Leave your email address and make sure you spell out AT and DOT so you don't get spam. You have until midnight April 22 to leave your comment here! Happy spring! Teresa
Honestly my favorite thing about being green is looking into my kids eyes and knowing that I am doing something good for their future.
My favorite thing about being green is feeling better about saving the environment. resenn (at) gmail (dot) com
Favorite thing about being green is it helps the earth and knowing what we are doing is rubbing off on the next generation.
My favorite thing about being green is that I am now more aware of my actions and I know that even the littlest things can make a huge difference. It's made me a better person.
One of my favorite reasons for being green is that we are saving our planet for the future generations and teaching our children to do the same. Go Green!! Anderson Indiana
I love the feeling of doing what I can to preserve what God created for us. HE is lending us this land & so I should do what I can to take care of it!
woosleyclan (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite thing about being green is the impact it has on my children. If we are not green our kids won't have a chance to see all the amazing wonders of this world. I think what you are doing is incredible!!!
Cameo Taylor
My favorite thing about being green is watching everyone around you slowly change their ways.
I love knowing that we are helping keep our home clean. I've always hated wasting or throwing out useful items. By reusing things we save money and the environment.
Who thought plastic was such a great idea anyway? I need help going green in my home! Thanks for the opportunity - and Thanks for making an effort! Peace~
fallentreefarm (at) gmail (dot) com
I think everything you've been doing is great! It's people like you that inspire others todo their part. I'd really love one of your bags.
My favorite thing about being green is seeing my children follow my actions. What they learn in the home they will take with them when they leave.
Looking forward to receiving your bag. I have just started using the reusable bags and they are much more convenient that I expected.
hey! thanks for forwarding the easter info to me through baguette dad, i really appreciate it :)
My favorite thing about being green is that it's the natural way to do things! Teresa, I can't wait to see you when you come to our Paper (n)Or Plastic art show in May. I love what you do.
I am so excited that our largest grocery chain in this area will, next week, start charging for plastic bags to encourage people to go green. I would love to show off one of the Green Bag Lady bags (and make some of my own). We should all set a good example for our children, so they can teach their children.
My favorite thing about being green is knowing that I am doing my part to take care of the world that God created for us and teaching my kids to do the same!
My favourite thing about being green is making a difference for myself and my child. The impact of our actions will be felt by our descendants long after we are gone. >beatazsirosatgmaildotcom<
My favorite thing about being green is the feeling inside that I'm making a difference and that my son is interested in it too - at 3yrs old!!! jenniferlsamATgmailDOTcom
My favorite thing about being green is that I'm making a difference for a better future. I've not only became green by recycling, not using plastic bottles anymore, but It's also caught on with the rest of my family. I love what your doing to help everyone become green. Great job. Your bags are beautiful and I would be honored to be part of your campaign.
LittleStar82(at) aol (dot) com
The best thing about being Green is it feels really good and also that I'm teaching my children right about doing our part in reducing our carbon footprint!
Also Bagette Dad I don't have a green bag and I would love one for our grocery shopping and trips to the libary. You did send me one of the Birthday bags to wrap gifts in. It's so very lovely!
Thank you so much! Have a lovely day!
My favorite thing about being green is that I'm slowing getting more people neighbors see my rain barrel, and think about getting their own; my husband finally remembers to use the canvas shopping bags when he goes to the store for me; my son thinks it fun to use the reel mower; I see more people walking to stores, church, etc.
thank you!
LOVE your bags! I'm on a mission to collect "unique" green bags and use them to inspire the "cool kids" that green in the new in-thing! So far, so good. Green is becoming trendy and popular in socal!! Your bags are the perfect fit for those who follow the beat of their own drummer - who want to be earth-conscious and still stand apart from the crowd! THANKS!!!battgirlATearthlinkDOTnet
Hi - I love your blog. I am "training" my 3 girls to remind me each time we shop to get our bags. We have "smattering", one from a trade show, 1 from a camp, and just some we get whenever we can. My kids even help bag and always let the checker know - We have our own bags. Would love to add 1 more to our collection. SBK
pkilloran at hotmail dot com
I really like going green! We try to do as much as we can to preserve our earth! I feel much better by using things that are safer for the enviroment and know that my grandkids will have a better place to live b/c of it! My youngest ALWAYS helps me remember to take any bags that I have with us shopping!!Thanks!!
My favorite thing about being green would have to be the fact that its such an easy way to make a big impact on our community. Green shopping does so much to help your local area.
I forgot to put my email address in my comment. I love using and going green whenever we can. We use lots of bags! TOGETHER we CAN MAKE A DIFFERNECE!!!
Thanks and keep up the GREAT WORK!!
you are doing a great job. last christmas i made fabric bags for all of our christmas wrapping.
twrightgirl at hotmail dot com.
I think my favorite thing about being green is the ability to affect the next generation and swing the tide back to a more simple time. When I was a kid, I attended an Earth Day event for Girl Scouts. That one day completely impacted my life in so many ways. I just found your site but am so glad to have found patterns for bags! I've heard of people getting their flour in bags and then reusing them, but I've not found that source yet. Plus, when I shop for produce, I do not like to use the plastic bags - so I don't, but sometimes a bag would be so much handier! Thank you for saving the world, one bag at a time! :) melissa[dot]schnieders[at]gmail[dot]com
My daughter and I have taken on the green living mantra so that she has a wonderful planet to pass on to her kids. Lets all help in any way we can
brwneyes10 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Our family's favorite thing about being green is seeing what an impact we can make when we ALL do our part. It's always surprising that no matter what you're doing now, you can still find so many things to do better!
Fave thing about green? Less trash in the trash can! We compost our garbage, and recycle what we can.
Being green is the easiest way to make me feel better. I want to make a positive difference for this planet. When I walk the dog, I take a extra trash bags and a different route each time to keep the whole neighborhood clean of trash. This seems to have caught on with other walkers in the neighborhood as well. I keep the route changing especially on the well traveled roads. I try to do my best. I win all around. the dog and I walk for our health and the neighborhood gets clean as well.
Being green is the right thing to do. Happy Earth Day!
I was just thrilled about talking about this on Earth Day, I forgot to leave my adress. Scott Hoffman
N4224 Oak Grove DR. Columbus,WI 53925
Finally! I have been taking my own bags to the grocery since the early 1990's when I lived in Oregon. I also ride my bike whenever possible to do my errands and to go to work. I am really glad to see this effort taking off. You all are doing a wonderful thing in helping a worthwhile cause! Thanks! skymaidn(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would love a Green Bag Lady Bag!! Thank you.
angiekay62 at yahoo dot com
my favorite things about being green is knowing that even the small things i am changing in my life are contributing to a better earth :)
rachelleand1 at gmail dot com
My favorite thing about being green is that it's helped me to be more creative and even more frugal! **potternjahkatyahoodotcom**
I would love to have one of your bags and would love to take photos of it in use around the country. As a military family, we move and travel often. I'm making many changes in my life to live greener and would love for one of your bags to become part of that effort.
My favorite thing about recycling is when I have to empty my recycling bins 2 or 3 times more than I empty the garbage cans!! And my recycling bins are twice the size of my garbage cans!!! I feel like it is a huge accomplishment!
My favorite thing about going green is the fact that I am on my journey to a simpler life and recycling and reusing my way to a healthier planet.
I can honestly say that I am not all the way green, but I always shudder when I see people throw away (in the trash), things that can be recycled.
I've been helping my Mom to recycle more and she doesn't have to take out her trash as much.
My favorite part about being greenis how I get to have less garbage and get to actually do something to improve our planet Earth. glenny52709ataimdotcom
My favorit thing about being green is that I know I am doing something wonderful for the children and the plant. They should not have to clean up our messes. kmclucas at carolina dot rr dot com.
My favorite thing about being green is knowing I am making small improvements to ensure my kids will have a better future.
My favorite thing about being green is learning how to save the environment and money by making small adjustment to my families daily life.
Is a produce bag the same as a normal bag? If so, I don't qualify...
I love being green because it is right. I'm glad it's becoming trendy because however people become aware and make change, through trends or whatever, doesn't really matter. What matters is taking action.
I also love being green because it's long lasting and beautiful.
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