Bongo East on Saturday. . .

150 bags found homes from Bongo East on Saturday. We had a very fun and crowded morning there. Boy, people sure do like their coffee!

Bagettes Karen, Connie, Kathleen and Alicia. Bagette Dad was there too!

This is what it looked like most of the morning. . .

2 coffees + 1 Green Bag Lady bag = pure bliss! :)

Mother and daughter bag teams. . .

There was a parade around the block that began at Bongo East which is why we were so lucky to meet so many kids!

I mean, how adorable is this family?

The parade. . .

Thank you Bob and Kate for letting us invade Bongo East, we had a great time! Teresa and all

1 comment:

Gabby said...

Wow that looked really busy! I am so glad that you are doing this project..... time to go green!