I don't usually do freebies right on top of one another, however, I seem to be drowning in the Holiday Gift Wrap Bags I was obsessed with making for the last 2 years. I was wrapping presents today, which means I was shoving things in the gift bags and tying the ribbons because I have vowed not to use wrapping paper (unless it is off another gift or I already own it). Anyway, truly, this is THE easiest way to wrap gifts. No tape, no scissors (who can find those anyway?), no paper cuts. . .even my husband can handle it.
Can you help take some off my hands? If you are a randomly selected winner you will get 2 handmade gift wrap bags from the Green Bag Lady. I have already put them in envelopes so they are just waiting for names and addresses. There will be FIVE lucky winners.
Just FYI, the bags may or may not look like the ones pictured above AND they may or may not need to be touched up with an iron. Those of you who know me well, know that I DO NOT iron! :)
To enter this freebie do the following:
•LEAVE A COMMENT, IN THE COMMENT LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THIS FORMAT: name(at)something(dot)com it is important to spell out dot and at so you don't get spam, if you DO NOT leave an email address, we will not hunt you down to send you a freebie, thanks.
•5 winners will be randomly selected on Dec 16 to win 2 gift bags each.
If you are not selected, the gift wrap pattern is here, make some!
Thanks for playing! Good luck! Teresa
P.S.--I don't know what is going on with my blog header, I have my web team on it. Um, that really means my friend James who works for chocolate.
P.P.S--Yes, those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know that I stole the bag wrap photo from this post last year. No time for photos when you do a spur of the moment freebie!
Congratulations to our winners, Helen, Patsy, Martha, Lee and Christene. Thanks for the comments. Helen, Bagette Dad has not heard from you. Leave a comment if you did not get his email!
Count me in, please. I already use gift bags, but have not yet managed to train gift recipients to return them to me (or reuse them, as far as I can tell,sadly).
debbie (at) pobox (dot) com
I absolutely love this idea! I'm not sure why I didn't think of this sooner.
Oh...how I would LOVE a couple of these!
I promised myself no paper wrap for family gifts. I bought special fabric for each kid that will be sewn into a quilt made just for them.
I had never thought of making bags. I think I will need to take any "extra fabric" and make a few to use through out the year. Thanks for the great idea!
kbsteuber at yahoo dot com
What a fantastic idea. I haven't yet purchased wrapping paper so might try making a few of these.
I would love to win! In fact, thanks for the pattern. My daughter was looking for something to put her presents for her gift swap at school in...these would be perfect.
I have been making really small ones for gift cards or jewelry but I have never realy thought of making bugger ones and to try not to use paper. Good thinking I say !
bubbachenille at bigpond dot com
Thanks for the chance and Merry Christmas..
These are beautiful! I reuse paper gift bags until they are in tatters....I am sure these will hold up much better - and are much more beautiful!
Amy in Texas
Hello! Thanks for yet another giveaway, you generous lady, you. :)
I just wanted to let you know you have inspired me to not purchase ANY wrapping paper this year. I've made bags and am using boxes (like cereal boxes that can be recycled after we open them)). I am only using a little tape and am using bits and scraps of ribbon and fabric for bows.
(I don't want to be entered in the freebie, I just wanted to let you know how inspirational you are!)
I am totally in love with the idea of NOT using/wasting wrapping paper this Christmas!
Oh boy! Count me in!
flisleshnitz at gmail dot com
Thanks for another great giveaway - I've been meaning to quit the wrapping paper habit!
wow, I'd love to win one!
count me in!
super awesome idea!
What a great idea, thanks.
Count me in! I love these. I just found your site today from Sew Mama Sew.
I love gift bags.
Bo.taitai at gmail dot com
Fabulous!! I made some last year, but no time this year!!
I would be more then happy to take them off your hands!
Pass them on to me, I would love the help with packaging my gifts.
Thanks for this great giveaway and thaks for your blog and your patterns, you are very generous. Merry Christmas.
You would save me the hassle of buying bags or worse buying paper.
What another great giveaway and a great idea. I would love to have one of these. Thanks for the pattern.
OUMom - Patsy
Great idea, this will be the first year I'm not using wrapping paper. I can't wait!
soapaddict (at) gmail (dot) com
These are so Great! I would love to be entered! Everything you guys do is so wonderful!
Thank you so much!
Thanks for all you do with your green bags! Please enter me into your giveaway. Thanks.
Lovely idea of yours. Would love to be one of the winners!!
those gift bags look awesome!
What a cool idea! Such pretty reusable bags. Thanks for the giveaway. :)
i haven't gotten around to making mine yet--this would be a great help! crazymaizy(at)gmail(dot)com
Love this! I hate buying wrapping paper and what is the point for it to go straight to that big black trash bag? Love reusable! faucsgirl(at)yahoo(dot)com
This is a great idea! Thanks for the inspiration (because of you I spent the weekend sewing totes which will be presents for my friends and I had lots of fun).
I try to use recycled gift wrap from previous years but I like this idea even better!!! I am going to try your pattern--thank you!
Beautiful!! Thanks for the fab and timely giveaway!
These are great! I have been making much simpler bags out of t-shirts and using stencils to decorate. I would LOVE some fancier ones to use.... I am going to need to check out the pattern to see if I can do it myself to...> I think this is the BEST way to wrap presents.... so easy and so useful!
I LOVE this! I've made and given away bags throughout the year for Birthday presents but this is my largest scale project! THanks so much!
hope that was right!
What a great idea! I need to make some myself. I would love to take a couple off your hands.
this is a awesome giveaway...thank you for the chance. i have been collecting fabric over the last few years to use for wrapping gifts...but these little bags would be so much easier.
What a great idea, love them!
johndeere4320 (at) verizon (dot) net
Love, love, love this idea. Even if I don't win I am going to grab the pattern.
Thanks for hosting!
I would love to start the tradition of reusable fabric bags for my family. Thanks for the opportunity!
Great idea!
Great idea! (reposting my comment from before, I realized I forgot the number in my email address, opps)
This is a great idea! Quick, easy and reusable. Count me in!
This would be perfect for my family.
Would love to get these! oscar0183(at)yahoo(dot)com
Sweet--I'm totally making these this week as I was "gifted" three garbage bags of fabric scraps.
heather -dot- kunkel at gmail -dot- com
Oooh this would be so much easier for me since I'm on bedrest with my 3rd child! These are such a good idea!
Count me in! (I'm actually especially excited about the pattern.) thepurloinedletter1(at)yahoo(dot)com
Oooh! I love your idea!! How fantastic! Thanks for including the pattern! :)
daisies518 at yahoo dot com
One can never have enough gift bags. I just made 7 of your bags this weekend. they are so quick and easy. Iam also passing your ideas to my sister
i would love to win one of your bags. thanks for the opportunity.
nls_medellin(at) yahoo(dot) com
Yes, please enter my name! IF I win (and I hope I do!) you can reach me by leaving a comment on my blog. Thank you! :-)
cheers to bags and going green. all of my gifts are handmade AND will be wrapped in recycled bags, fabric, burlap, etc. happy holidays to you!
rachelincolorado (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'd been planning on making/using reusable gift wrap this year but, let's face it, I pooped out on it!
what adorable gift bags. i am totally going to borrow your idea and make a bunch of these.
The ones in the pic. are beautiful! Thanks for doing this giveaway.
aehaas (at) gmail(dot)com
I didn't get Bagette Dad's email!! I'm so excited I won!!
Too funny! I just came across this now, about an hour after talking to my mom who said she sewed new pillow cases for my siblings and used that to wrap their gifts this year and tied it shut with ribbon. :)
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