A word about T.P.

Yes, T.P. Toilet paper. Well, ok, not the actual paper, but the roll. You know, the ones that you always put in the recycle bin. What? You don't recycle them? Well, here are some great ideas to do with them. People are so creative, no?

I love this wall hanging from this post.

This little piece is from artist Yuken Teruya. While you are on the site, check out the other great projects, like this one. Seriously, this is one of my new favorite artists.

This is another one of my new favorite artists, Jacquet Fritz Junior. He has a whole series of masks made from t.p. rolls. They are quite incredible, especially considering their humble beginnings. . .or ends? Or both?

What do you do with t.p. rolls? It feels like Saturday here. We have had 2 consecutive snow days. Have a good weekend. Teresa


Sonja said...

I stuff mine with tiolet paper lint, and use it for starting up the wood furance.

Luna said...

Binoculars for children, seed starters, put popcicle sticks around the outside and a fake flower in it for a vase (daughter made me one of those), my children also talk through them!