One of my favorite things to sew are t-shirts for people. I usually get the shirts at the end of summer (or winter for long sleeve) on the clearance rack at Target, Gap, etc. Some of the following are for Little Man, and others for my niece and nephew for my their birthdays. (click on images to see them bigger)

If you would like to make some shirts too, here are some tips:
•wash the shirt AND fabric before you appliqué
•practice on a shirt you DON'T care about first
•use iron-on interfacing (you can buy by the yard) on BOTH the shirt AND the fabric
•to cut out animals, google search the animal that you like (e.g. dog silhouette) and look through the image results, print & cut out, trace on the fabric with a water soluble pen
•pin applique on the shirt, they even sell little pins just for this purpose
•sew around the edge, I just use a straight stitch because I like how it frays a little when you wash it. If you don't like this use a zig zag stitch
Let me know if you make any! Have fun! Teresa
Love them! I actually just finished sewing 'neckties' on some onsies for my dear friend's baby shower tomorrow! :) I didn't use interfacing on the onsie; but hope it still works ok! Plus my zig zag stitch wasn't working well so I ended up with the straight stitch! Thanks for the info, I just might use this more!!
What a great idea. I just bought some interfacing today for another project. I'm sure I'll have some scraps left over to use for this project.
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