To win a FREE BAG:
•LEAVE A COMMENT, IN THE COMMENT LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THIS FORMAT: name(at)something(dot)com it is important to spell out dot and at so you don't get spam, if you DO NOT leave an email address, we will not hunt you down to send you a freebie, thanks.
•We LOVE comments and FREEBIES so tell all your friends! We will ship internationally.
For those of you who already have a bag, we have a special incentive for you to tell all your friends to come and leave a comment for a bag. We are giving away TWO PRIZE PACKS to TWO individuals that include the following items:
•1 Green Bag Lady t-shirt (may vary in color depending on size you want)
•4 yards of oil cloth (1 each of brown, red and purple gingham and pink polkadot)
•4 yards of fabulous organic Harmony Art fabric (1 each of VEIN, AQUA, FIELDS OF HONEY and EYES OF THE WORLD)
•1 $20 Joann gift card
•Packed up in a very cute fabric bag (of course)
To win one of the prize packs, this is what you need to do:
•Leave a comment with your name (can be a nickname) and your email address and tell us you are entering the Prize Pack Freebie.
•Do a blog post or email all your friends and family and tell them to come and leave a comment for a free bag. In their comment they need to say that YOU SENT THEM. They need to use your name or your nickname (make sure it is the SAME NAME OR NICKNAME).
•The 2 people with the most referrals will win one of the gift packs pictured below.
Good luck! We want to get as many people using fabric bags as possible, you can help us do that! Tell everyone you know and good luck. Teresa
1 – 200 of 233 Newer› Newest»I love what you are doing! Please send me a bag and also enter me in the prize pack so I can learn how to make the items on your site. I want to help my area here in Arkansas go green. I wish all the stores would get rid of the plastic bags and start a bring your own bag policy!
AnnnieDingle at pgtc dot com
Love your "Harmony" prints in the last photo! Aren't they all just so beautiful?
Yeah! for Give Aways! I'm spreading the word via my blog. Here's the link: http://whiskergraphics.com/wordpress/index.php/2010/04/green-bag-lady-giveaway/
I hope you have a ginormous response! I LOVE my bag! Thanks!
Thanks Annie, MissesStitches and Whitney, yes I wish stores would get rid of plastic all together too. Oh, the ocean would be so very happy!
earth day is my birthday :) love the bags!! jenfinh(at)yahoo(dot)com
I love fabric shopping bags! So much nicer to use and I'm much happier having these around now I have a toddler that's into everything...
KittyB don't forget to leave your email! Teresa
Wow, what a generous giveaway!! Forty bags is a lot!! Please count me in.
Beautiful bags! I read all about them on Whisker Graphics. Thanks so much for this awesome offer.
YES, YES!! I love my bag. Please count me in for the drawing. I came here from Whisker Graphics, another really cool blog! Sally sjhackney (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would love a bag.I am honestly impressed with what you are doing :)
Also, I was sent over here via Whitney from Whisker Graphic's I am glad she did thanks so much
What a great giveaway!!! You are amazing to create these bags and give them away. I would like to be entered for the Prize Pack Freebie. Kelly from PA sewingandxstitching at verizon dot net
*sigh* feeling again the urge to learn how to sew... i am arleady using a bag made of cloth but this one is realy realy ugly (one of those cloth bag alternatives you can find in german super markets)
any problem to send one of your nice ones to germany? ;)
mail is chaospueppchen[at]web[dot]de
Teresa - I posted it on my blog and also on my facebook status. Hope you get a huge response to your wonderful project!!!! http://stitchingwithmygirls.blogspot.com/2010/04/another-green-bag-lady-giveaway.html
I love fabric shopping bags. They were a must when we lived in Germany. I have tried very hard to maintain the habit back here in the states. I would love to win one of your great bags.
I love the bag that you sent me! Pics is on the way soon! Please enter me for this amazing giveaway!
Susan O
que dot 65 @ hotmail dot com
Found this via Whisker Graphics. Great give away!
Whisker Graphics sent me to your great blog for the give away. Thanks for doing this.
Wow, what a great giveaway! (I saw it on Whisker Graphics, just fyi :) ) Count me in! katielepi (at) hotmail (dot) com
This is a wonderful thing you are doing! My mom Susan O sent me to this blog site, because she has entered the 40th Earth Day FREEBIE giveaway. I would also like a bag. I love cloth bags, because I am in Elementary Education and am soon to graduate to be a teacher.... cloth and canvas bags are the best!
Thanks for the Earth Day give aways, I would love either a bag or the or the prize pack. I hae made bags in the past for friends and work hard at only using reusable bags when I go out. Though it is hard to keep enough on hand as I am always giving one to my shopping buddies who do not bring reusable bags.
Awesome giveaway for Earth day! :)
email: homj82(at)yahoo(dot)com.
I found out about this giveaway on Whisker Graphics blog. :)
I love your bags! And I'm telling everyone about it!
Thanks everybody! I love the comments. Just don't forget to leave an email so we can find you if win!!! Teresa
My 5 year old daughter loves to use reusable bags and help the Earth so we always use reusable bags. Would love to have a fun looking bag for her to carry when we shop.
Kelly from PA refer me to your site and I love the bags I've seen.
Sonja sent me over this way. Thank you so much.
yeah! i'm entering for the prize pack giveaway!!!! it sounds like a fantastic package. I'll be entered under 'DRE' i'll send lots of people hope they enter!
i was so excited i forgot to leave me email!!! 'DRE'
campbell4158 AT me DOT com
sent on over here by DRE, she's crazy about your bags!
jaseycampbell AT gmail DOT com
I love green bags! And I love that you're encouraging people to use them! DRE told me about this prize giveaway and I'm really excited.
My email is ~ sugary_sweet_cookie(AT)yahoo(DOT)com
DRE told me that your bags are great so now I want one! jodiesoup at hotmail dot com
Susan at Que's Ramblings said that she loves her new bag. I really want to try one too!
luvnlife00 at gmail dot com
Ok, so my pal Whitney at Whisker Graphics has been extolling the virtues of you AND your bags for quite some time. Thought I'd better check it out! Guess I was missing out, because they are very cute!
Wow! It will be great to win a free Green Bag. Hope I'll be one of the lucky one.
Keep up your great work!
i love your site and your pattern! i made 5 of your bags and gave them as gifts with a set of homemade reusable produce bags. i love seeing and hearing about my family using their bags... one less bag in the ocean. :) so... i made all of those bags, but didn't make one for myself. i would love to win one of yours!
noribean at hotmail dot com
I was told about your bags by "DRE". What a great idea. Keep spreading the word. Cloth is the way to go! Thanks,Nancy
I am usually shy and don't comment too much, but your bags are so totally gorgeous!
I'd definetely love going around with one of them here in Milan (Italy) ;)
I will be blogging and facebooking for that prize pack!
Tania shared the love with me!!
jhaskellnc5(at)gmail(dot)com Love this idea!!!
What a great idea! Thanks for saving our earth! Tania shared your blog with me.
Me, please! I made my way here via Whisker Graphics.
mostlyamom (at) live (dot) com
Can I participate of the PIZE PACK?, I just sent a lot of mails to my friends and daughters :)
Adry, adriadru@gmail.com
Thanks for be so generous!
What a great way to celebrate Earth Day Every Day! and hopefully get rid of plastic bags all together!
Love your site - Dre sent me over!
My email is jennifer.haines at sbcglobal dot net
HOLA! I want to be part of the Earth day taking my greenbag everywhere!!!
My email claracastreje(at)gmail(dot)com
My mother, Adriana Gonzalez (Adriadru) just tell me about this post!
I so love this!!! Thanks for all you do! Please enter me in the free bag givaway...will be fun to take pics of where it is used!! Happy Earthday!
Earth Day is a great opportinuty to sensibilize people about the negative effects we do to our planet and change our habits.Using reusable bags is a simple thing to do that everyone is able to do. Your bags are amazing and can be used for everything! The fact that they are pretty will help to encourage people to use them more, just like a purse or a school bag.
No more plastic bags!
OOO~i want it very much!!!Thanks alot!!!
This is great what you are doing! These bags look very stylish too! It is kinda sickening how so much plastic is used on a daily basis. Society needs to break the 'habit' and switch to more Earth-friendly products..it's not that painful
Thank you for telling me how to leave an email address so I won't get spam. I didn't know that. Would love a bag.
I absolutely promise to abandon paper and plastic, how could I not? kearlema at gmail dot com
I am so excited about these bags! They are so cute!
This is a wonderful thing that you are doing! Not only are we saving oceans, but also doing it fashionably as well :)
Kelly from Pa referred me! My email is:
Wow! I would love a bag. They are so beautiful! kimmy13(at)cox(dot)net.
I would love a bag!! Love the Earth, love Yourself :)
refered by the Save My Oceans tour on FB.
Love your stuff... very cute!
Love all Earth theme items! It's important to save this beautiful planet!
OooOooo super cuttttte im keeping my fingers annnnnd toes crossed for this one!♥
Pretty, pretty! Dre sent me!
YAY for free bag! I am going to repost this and get all my friends to enter to win one! I love using bags like this, anyway. Not only is it better for the environment, but they are WAY easier to carry and hold more, too!!
This is really cool! I already bring my own bag to the market, but always need a few more to carry the groceries! Please enter me.
Hi Teresa!
This is Wendy in CA (Emma's mom). I plan to share your mission with a whole lot of friends this week...and who knows? maybe I can win your prize!
I'll ask them to tell you that 'Wendeloni' sent them!
This is great! I love my bag and always find your project awesome!!!
I have a badge of your project on my blog and now I want you to please sign me up for the Prize Pack Freebie!!! I did a post on my blog about it here:
And we´ll be twitting about this too!
Thanks for the plug Patricia and everyone else for your comments! Keep them coming!
meghan dot brannon at gmail dot com
also, I will send this on to my friends. What an awesome idea! Thank you so much!
I am spreading the news! :)
Spreading the good news on my facebook and blogged about it. I would love to win the Prize Pack Freebie. Thanks!
Adin B
Lovely bags! I heard about your giveaway from Patricia A.
Would love to win! very attractive! I heard about your "40th Earth Day FREEBIE--40 FREE BAGS!" from Adin
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what y'all are doing! I got my bag at the Live Green Expo in Plano, TX last year and have used your pattern to make more for myself and friends!!! Please enter me in the prize pack drawing and keep up the great work! my email is: Barbarick6(at)yahoo(dot)com
HI Teresa, this is Claire P. from Leroy. I'm entering for the Prize Pack Freebie :-)
clairepfendler at yahoo dot com
Hello from Georgia!! Would love love love to have one of your bags, and will be doing my part to spread your message! vanemancATyahoodotcom.
Hi! I would love to win your bag!!!! I was told to mention I know Claire P from LeRoy :)
katwoman2 at rochester dot rr dot com
karen P
Hi Teresa, Claire P. from Leroy
I blogged about your site and also posted it in my fan page in facebook.
Good Luck everyone!
I love bags and wish more people used them. Thanks for the chance to win one of yours! You are awesome.
Hi Teresa :) My friend WENDELONI sent me your info about the free bags. I would love to have one but I'm thinking you have already given away the 40 bags by now! I'm hoping to help my friend WENDELONI win the big prize! That's a very nice big prize your giving away and I hope she wins. Thank you for efforts to make us all aware in using fabric bags and not plastic! This is an inspiring project! I will share your info with my friends too! Best wishes :) Nancy B.
I would like to enter for the Prize Pack Freebie. My nickname is deliria and my email is resenn(at) gmail (dot) com.
Keep the comments coming! We have plenty of bags!
Great looking bags, would love to win one!
I would love a bag!..........catchxxx(at)yahoo(dot)com.....
Cool giveaway! thanks. love the blog! sabrina
I would love a bag. Thanks so much for the giveaway! jillyq123atgmaildotcom
All your bags are preeeeety!!! They must make the boring and tiring grocery shopping a joyful one! kosuya358 at yahoo dot com
I would so love to have a bag...
I heard about you from Ronsgal!
I'd like a bag. answermephone(at)gmail(dot)com
Thanks for that opportunity to get a bag.
Thanks for the great offer and helping out the environment. I hope many others get to participate in this great opportunity to save the earth. Thanks
I am obsessed with reusuable bags! Thanks for offering.
Shopping Frugal at aol dot com
You are awesome, what a tremendous idea! I would love to receive one of your fabulous bags! Thanks so much for what you do
I love reusable bags!
aytgim at hotmail dot com
Ashley from shoppingfrugal dot net has urged her readers to go green, one way she encourages us is to not use plastic bags and to bring our own bags when we shop. She told us about your site and the giveaway that you are having. I would love to have the opportunity to win one of you fabulous bags.
easyreader48 at gmail dot com
I would love to win this
Pick me! ;) TeriTipps(at)gmail(.com)
Great for the environment. Great for free. balrog26(at)hotmail(dot)com
You have made such a colorful bags and I amazed how you pick the color combination. I hope to get one so that I can use it as a guide and start making bags also. I bought a lot of fabric but I just don't know how to pick colors that match to one another. Thanks for your efforts and generosity. By the way Claire from Leroy, Ny sent me.
Thanks Nelda
Those bags are beautiful! makeaneffort(at)yahoo(dot)com
Hi! DRE sent me...love the bags!
pixie1205 at yahoo dot com
I love your beautiful bags! I would like to be one of the lucky recipients for one of your bags.
Am I too late for the freebie? I hope not. Love bringing my own bags and teaching my daughter too.
This is so awesome of you:) Claire P. of Leroy's mentioned your freebie and I would live to receive one. ~ Diana
I love your idea! I always carry my bags and would love the honor of carrying one of your bags on my shopping trips.
I was referred by www.ShoppingFrugal.net.
I am zippity(at)centurylink(dot)net
I love fabric bags! I can't get enough of them because I use them for so many things--and they save the planet!
These bags are so cute .
I hope i get one!
What a great "green" giveaway. This was recommended to me by shoppingfrugal.net a great site for all things frugal and green. Love to use cool bags instead of plastic. Thank you! mrslmp@aol.com
Lovely bags .I would love to have one.
Love resuable bags, I use them all the time ^_^ I would love to receive one carlos6735(at)gmail(dot)com
This is such a neat site, thanks for offering this giveaway, I will definitely be bookmarking this site and checking out what you have to offer. I love re-useable bags! :)
I like your website & would love
to have one of your earth bags.
MaryAnn H.
OMG! Is this giveaway for real? I'm crazy about bags!
Here's my name and email:
Lilian Coelho
Please visit my page when you get a chance. I'm posting about this giveaway right now!
I would LOVE to win one of these!!
My name is Jeremy Morris
Please may I have a free bag. My hubby is in the nursing home and this would be nice to use when picking up & returning his Laundry. Esp since bad is washable, as well.
jensnanny 2 at yahoo dot com
Peggy W
I love to be green and I have fully adapted to using reuseable bags in shopping and whatever else I do! I would LOVE a bag and I LOVE what you do!
I love earth day freebies! Free and helping save the planet? Nothing could be better :) Many thanks for small town North Carolina
demonic_x_wrath at yahoo dot com
I'd very excited if I'd get a free handmade bag! iceykoolz(at)aim(dot)com
Oh please pick me! skurff(at)gmail(dot)com
Please, pick qltmom9
I am entering the Prize Pack Freebie draw. Thank you for the chance.
Hi Green Bag Lady! I soooo love what you're doing here & I still have yet to try my hand at making a bag thru your wonderful tutorial. I visited your site by way of Claire from Leroy (I love what she does too!) & she mentioned about a free bag give-away. I've never won anything online before so I figure I'd try my luck :-) My email is spiritchaser(at)gmail(dot)com
Thank you for being awesome!
PICK ME!!....I would love to win one of your bags!! They are really great!! I take my own bags when I go shopping, all the little things add up. Delise from OH
It's so cool to give away the re-usable bags! It's so good for the environment, and the best part is that these bags look so cool!!!
Entering to celebrate Earth Day!
I would love one of your bags - they are pretty and useful all in one!
P.S. I was referred her via Patricia A.'s blog
I love the green bag!!!
adblankey (at) gmail dot com
Love your bags! Beautiful.
Ah... I'd try for the second method but I'm sure I won't win it.
icitea at le.paradis.found(at)gmail(dot)com
I admire what you are doing, which concerns about the environment.
By the way, Claire P. from Leroy sent me.
All your bags are super cute! Crossing my fingers...
angela (at) theleehouse (dot) net
Hey, I heard about your site from "Ronsgal", and I love it! Keep up the good work!!
I can't wait to get this bag....thanks alot cdrawls (at) hotmail (dot) com
What a wonderful and creative thing you are doing. If possible, I'd love to be entered in the prize pack and also be sent a bag. Wouldn't it be great if we could all take on this project in our hometowns and pass it on?
Dre told me about this, so here I am. These bags will go to great use. Good Job Green Bag Lady!!
What you're doing is amazing ! I will spread the word..there really beautiful !
Its amazing that you will give out bags.. Thanks
I'm with you on this revolution!!!! Lets make things happen, this is everybody's responsibility, count me in :)
I would like also to enter for the Prize Pack Freebie. My nickname is shela and my email is sanchorez(at)yahoo(dot)com
Awesome bags!
I would love one of the free ones for earth day.
zendat at yahoo dot com.
salute your cause! love what you do, you're an inspiration! i could definitely use a green bag here, they do not give out plastic bags in the counter and they sell paper bags instead. they are keen on recycling here. hope i can get hold of one of the bags! my email: aprilb(at)hispeed(dot)ch
I blogged about your giveaway also!
Your bags look beautiful! I love adding this to my list of ways to help out! Shopping from local farmers and getting my milk from the dairy only does most of the shopping. When I go out to the store, I like to know that I am still doing something! I would love to win one of your bags!
I would LOVE to show off your bag in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. What a wonderful Earth Day "promotion"! cjohnstw(at)yahoo(dot)ca
Please enter me! I would love a bag! :)
Andrea Ferreira
I love reusable bags and have been stocking up on them and using them! :) Came here from Whisker Graphics blog-- going to post on my blog as well :) What a great giveaway :) Thanks for a chance to win!
My mom makes this with quilt patterns on the outside. Would love to see your version. thanks, mgush107@gmail.com
Love reusable bags! and yours are SO SO cute!! Thanks for the chance to win!
meganflick at comcast dot net
hi, i am veta. Miss Adin told me to visit you here.
here is my e-add: veta897@gmail.com
Hello everyone! I was interested in this massage from Green Bag Lady this week. Truly, I didn't know about this site and just wanted to try. I am still expecting what is that. I have a business and think that it's really good way to know about own product from other people. I will be glad to try your bag. I'm sure it's very beautiful thing. Anyway, you do a very great job. Thanks Green Bag Lady.
I love my bag! I am entering for the prize pack.
Telling all my friends to say Stasi sent them!
stasigh at gmail dot com
hi, GreenBagLady. that's a very wonderful idea u have! I wish we could eradicate the use of plastic bags altogether. like shopping in Dubai, they will give you thousands of plastic bags for a several items purchased. bad bad! btw, Claire P. asked me to drop by and say hi! ;)
My daughter Claire P. sent me here to check out your site. She's been sewing up a storm lately and I'm glad she is. I love and enjoy viewing your site.
tc_enario at yahoo dot come
Patricia A. sent me, thanks for this very meaningful giveaway. SAVE OUR PLANET!
yumihamano at gmail dot com
Claire P. sent me!!! I wish I could sew like she does-plus her extreme creativity when it comes to creating things out of recycled items!!
I found your website searching for a pattern. Love the bags!
A fellow filipina Claire P. sent me
I'm also entering for your bag giveaways. Thank you!
darme_s at yahoo dot com dot ph
Whitney at Whiskers Graphics sent me!
*hugs* to you and all the earth-conscious people on Earth Day. If every person made one small change for the better, what a huge impact that would have on the world.
cass at daleking dot org
Claire at ClaireBakesCakes sent me!!! Love your sweet bags, and love your effort for our planet.
This is awesome! Using re-usable bags has been a test to my ability to change bad habits. I keep bags in my car all the time but don't always remember to bring them in! I've resorted to either having to go back out to the parking lot after shopping or just not bagging anything. I REFUSE to use disposable bags! Wendeloni sent me here!
KLMahoney at aol dot com
Good job Karen! That's what we tell people to do, put the groceries back in the cart and then bag them at your car. If you do that once or twice, you will start to remember!
Keep the comments coming! We are having a great time reading them. Freebie ends Friday at midnight!
Hi Green Bag Lady,
Claire sent me to drop a comment or two in here, i am glad there is someone like you who makes a difference in our world in your own little way. Keep up the good work!
this is terrific, I would like to be in the drawing for a free bag. I will also post something on my blog bloomingwyldeirs.blogspot.com
Stasi sent me to comment on your blog :) gotta love a good giveaway :) I love the idea of reusable bags and yours are so cute!
I do re-use bags -- and can always use another one!
:) Linda (quilter at jagunet dot com)
You are doing such a good thing for the environment! I am going to suggest this to our Green Committee at church. Anyway, enter me in your giveaway - would love to win and could use it as an example for the church folks to see! Thanks! maeve315@msn.com
The bags are so pretty! My email is swtlovingurl@yahoo.com
What a great idea! Thanks Stasi for letting me know. count me in
Awesome!! Earthday should be everyday:)
This is a great thing that you're doing-- I own SO MANY of those dingy bangs you can get at the checkouts of grocery stores, but your bags are gorgeous and I'd love to have one to carry! melissa.penkava(at)gmail(dot)com
Love the bags! They are so cute!
really cute bags!!
Adin from Kansas sent you this link..
im roselyn hagan from north carolina
colorful cute little bags...btw, adin from kansas sent me here.
great idea!!
nicole.najim (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to win a bag. Stasi referred me to your giveaway. She would like to win something too.
Many years ago my mom made us fabric bags. Before it was cool to be green. The grocery baggers hated them. I loved them.
This is a great idea. I'm glad that my niece, STASI, sent me here. Many many years ago, my mother (Stasi's Grandmother) made grocery bags for all her daughters. I would love to win a new bag to WOW the cashiers at the check out! nancyann47 at gmail dot com
Green bags, Yay! Fantastic idea.
Claire referred me to your site, btw.
calistaspot(at) gmail (dot) com
great idea! you are really making a difference! id love to use one if u still have an left!
claire p. referred me
yay :] i started making my own bags too, but i need more :o i hope i get one! :] ann[dot]t[dot]social[at]hotmail[dot]com
I love what you are doing ! I am weaning our family off of plastic grocery bags I would love one of these bags ! Happy Earth Day !
lillymoon01 at yahoo dot com
Love what your doing! By the way, Claire P. from Leroy sent me :)
Hello Green Bag Lady,
I admire what your doing and your bags are beautiful. I would like to get one. Claire Pfendler introduce your name to us Filipinos here in Rochester and she is a big fan of you. I want to be able to help the earth go green. Keep up the great job. My email is bebielyn at rgsullivan dot com .Thank you
Hello there. Adin from Kansas told me about this 40th Earth Day freebie...The bags you made are fantastic and giving them away is indeed a good deed not only to the people who will use the bag but also for our environment...Have a nice day..
I love what you do..Ms. Claire P. from leroy, NY told me about you...Please count me in for your bag giveaways..
wow1love your bags-i am all for going green-adin from sewfantastic sent me-sign me up for the giveaway-working girl
What a great way to go green!
I sure would love to have a bag, too! Claire P sent me here. My email addy is manang.kusinera@gmail.com
Thank you for your effort in making this world a better place!
Wow, this is amazing... I would like to get a bag... and you really encourage me to GO GREEN... anyways, CLAIRE P. Sent me here. Thanks a bunch!
nice bags...
Claire P. sent me...
What a great idea for celebrating earth day you had. I'd love to win one of your beauties.
Patricia A. sent me.
dikatzen at yahoo dot fr
I want to get that bag , of course to use it instead of using plastic ones. Thanks
Stasi told me about your bag give-away, its a great idea.
This is great! I worked for YSU in the recycling department to collect recyclables around campus. I think promoting this idea is great. I agree with previous posters who say that all grocery stores should enforce a bring your own bad policy. I have a couple of reusable bags with company names, but I would love one of yours to sport at the store. I will promote your idea on campus and around the area. Great idea!
this is a great gift for Earth Day. We are also going green at my work. I would love one of your bags to use instead of using plastic bags. They are wonderful!!
That is happysarahE(at)roadrunner(dot)com. I hope you pick me!
I would love to win! I am all about eco friendly and love to hep my environment in any way. I would put this bag to good use! mandi(dot)durb(at)gmail.com
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