Lucy's Bag Book

Along with fabric, sometimes people give me other little gems like this book from my sister's mother-in-law. Published in 1978, it is just CLASSIC, I can't get enough of the groovy photos.
I'm thinking they couldn't find a horse for the "saddlebag" photo and roped this poor dog into it. He looks so sad. . .
Since when is an apron a bag. . .
There are only 2 words for this photo, solid colors. . .
Apparently back then, they did not give you shoes to wear at the photo shoot, you just wore whatever grimy ones you already had in your closet. . .
Do you think this is the head that belongs to the legs in the photo above? I think so, I think in this photo he still has the shorts and sneakers on and donned the plaid shirt to look like a. . .cowboy? I'm not sure, still I'm confused about the saddlebag, were there no horses in 1978? Maybe you use this when you give someone a piggy back ride. . .regardless, I'm going to make one for my hubby, he better grow the groovy 'stash to go with it!
Hope you are having a good weekend. Teresa