Snow Day. . .

We got about 3-4 inches of the white stuff last night. That is a "blizzard" here in Tennessee. I grew up in Minnesota, so it doesn't seem like much, but everything shuts down because there are no plows or equipment to deal with it. I did shovel the driveway today. Good times. I hope you are having a great day! Teresa

(first image taken with my iPhone Hipstamatic app)


Rachelh said...

Brrrr.... Lovely to look at though.

I spent all my summers with my grandparents in Shelbyville and Murfeesboro growing up, but rarely got to come out in the winter, and even when I did, only a few lonesome flakes of snow fell. Sigh...

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...


I actually prefer less white stuff and more heat. It is lovely to look at though!
