At Popo here in Nashville!

Guess what? There is a really cute store here in Nashville called Popo. It is in the Hill Center right across the street from Whole Foods. We have teamed up with them to offer these great snack bags.

Eco-Snackers Specs:
Reusable Fabric Snack Bags
Perfect for:
car trips
pet treats
baby snacks
and so much more!

Proceeds from the sale of these bags support the Green Bag Lady project. YAY! Believe me, thread, labels and shipping are not cheap.

So, if you are here in Nashville, stop by and grab a pack of 3, they are only $12.95. Your lunch box can be plastic free too! Teresa


Anna said...

So... how do they close? Are they lined with anything? I'll stop in there to see them in person (and buy!) the next time I can!

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

The fabric just folds over the top and unless you are on a roller coaster, the snacks won't come out! :) I hope you get some! Teresa

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Sorry Anna, they are unlined so you can throw them in the wash machine easily. You might want to shake the crumbs out first. We have been using them for a while and they work great. I even put sandwiches in them the night before and they are fine the next day. The kids love all the variety of prints that I let them pick out of my fabric stash!

Anna said...

Perfect! I've seen some lined with some "waterproof" fabric that I'm not keen on putting food in. And no velcro means they won't snag anything else in the wash. Yours are the exact answers I wanted to hear! :)

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Good! I have some velcro ones that popo gave me to look at and I washed them and they are kind of stiff and I'm worried about the snagging too. I am not keen on bags that are plastic lined, seems to defeat the no plastic purpose! And, I don't think they wash and dry well…