Ship's Log Day 5 March 9, 2011

My shift was 4am-8am this morning. I spent 2 of those hours steering the ship. Mostly it was raining and very cold. We would reach a clearer and slightly warm patch, YAY! But, next thing you know, it is blowing and raining again! Crazy! It is hard to stay warm. I wish I had waterproof gloves that went to my elbow. Wow, that would be so nice. Brit wants a dryer on the boat! Me too! Good thing there is foul weather gear on the boat. I feel like a little kid again growing up in Minneosta, getting ready to go sledding and barely being able to move. I am incredibly thankful that I bought waterproof lined boots while I was in Puerto Williams. One of three pairs in the whole town.

I went to bed after my shift at 8 only to dream of flying and hurricanes. I woke up to the boat stopped and the sound of the anchor dropping in the water. The wind increased to 55 knots (hence the dreams) (by the way, hurricanes are 70 knots!) and we had to pull into an alcove and tie in for the day and let the weather pass by tonight. We will head out again early tomorrow monring. We hope to be at some more picturesque places in a few days and do some plastic hunting/water samples.

Thanks for following, enjoy what are sure to be lovely breezes in your part of the world! Sorry I have no internet, so I can't be reading your comments. Still leave some! I'll read them as soon as I can. Teresa


Adryteje said...

Very cold and windy day!..Please!!! take care of "little knitted Teresa", please be sure she is wearing her scarf and the wind not steal her bags! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry for saying I wish the wind at your stern.! Still trying to check your position. Do know the winds in the "Straits" go from 0 to 100 in a blink. God speed.

Anonymous said...

Back at my computer today and reading all the updates. Hope the winds calm down for you soon! What an adventure!


Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Little Knitted Teresa is just fine. I heart her so much!