To go…

When I was visiting Harmony in San Francisco we did a little shopping and I bought a set of to go utensils. I had been thinking about getting some for a while and had not decided which ones to get then I saw these…
They are small, lightweight, made out of bamboo, and the carry case is recycled PET. Yes! I love it all. They now live in my purse and come in quite handy…
Especially when you leave Costco and are really hungry for one of the yogurts you just bought but don't have a spoon, wait, you DO have a spoon! :) Teresa

You can get your own set from HERE. Or there are several similar ones out there like THIS one that uses Harmony's fabric!


harmony said...

I definitely need to order a set. Plastic to-go silverware makes me sad.

mommy Orkid Belle said...

That is so awesome! I sure would love to have some especially during traveling. HOw cute too and it is made of bamboo!

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Yes, they are really fun to eat off of too!