Workday Wednesday

I've been a busy girl. Sewing bags (with some of last fabric donation!)…
 Working on a tutorial I'll share tomorrow…
 Making a shade for our guest room, my Mother-in-Law comes on Friday…
 Made a couple pet beds…
 Getting some borrowed machines set up for the Girl Scout sewing project I mentioned here
 And, making a baby gift for a friend, I still need to hand embroider the name on it…
I also folded a gagillion loads of laundry. How about you?  Teresa


Adventurous Quilter said...

I hiked a mountain, but sewing sounds more fun LOL

Tami C said...

Wednesday is our day to spend with my mother-in-law. We had lunch with her and her son-in-law then spent the rest of the afternoon chatting until Kenny's sister and niece got off work. Then we all went to Armando's Ristorante for a very nice dinner.

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Ooooh, hiking sounds good too Marianne! What a nice day for it!

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Tami--I will have my Mother-in-law here for the weekend. Should be nice! I have never heard of Armando's you will have to tell me about it.