I'm so very excited to announce our first chapter in GERMANY! YAY! Audrey has taken to bag making and run with it! She has organized many people and they have made several bags. Could not be more thrilled with their progress in such a short time. Look at all these great bags! Keep it up Bagette Audrey and all of your team. Sew sew sew! Teresa
Another 20 bags (above) have just been donated by Harry Schröder!! Thank you!
My sewing assistant (below) tests all fabrics (donated) before they go into bag production!
:) This bright & cheerful Green Bag Lady (above) is going to a friend from Edmonton, Canada!
The test run has succeeded! The tags can be ironed well before sewing
🙂 another fabric donation is on the way!!
Audrey S.
Green Bag Lady Berlin, GERMANY
Facebook page
I write to you from Argentina, my bag is No. 2848 and I love it!
I am seriously thinking about starting to make many to give as a present
a hug and good luck!
We would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have a chapter of Green Bag Lady in Argentina!
Please contact me: greenbagladyinfo(at)gmail(dot)com
Thanks! Teresa
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