100 Masks

After my team of ladies and I made over 1500 masks to donate to specific charities and to neighborhood people we took a long break. Many of the ladies had to go back to work and I got busy on Etsy. But then a former Bagette asked me for 100 masks to use as a fundraiser at her school for homeless students. How could I say no? Bagette Lori, Bagette Danny and I got busy. Here is the result. I hope the fundraiser goes well! Happy masking--Teresa


harmony said...

You and your team are a wonderful wonder! May these serve and protect those who receive them.

Lee said...

Awesome! Yours masks are so nice - I have ordered a couple!

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Thanks Harmony, some of your solid brown is in there as well as a solid pink one! :)

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Thanks so much LEE! Much appreciated! :)