Photo Finish Friday

My heart is a little heavy decorating for Christmas this year. It will be the first holiday season without either of my parents. My mom, who I miss dearly passed away at only 65 years old in 2005. Then, of course, Bagette Dad passed in June. This is one of my favorite tree ornaments and I look forward to hanging it up from year to year. Look at Bagette Dad's matching socks and tie! So styling for him considering in that last decade he only wore light blue shirts and mostly blue jeans, his "uniform" as we called it. It has certainly been a year of loss for many. Hugs to all of you. Peace--Teresa


Maria said...

Aw, that's a great ornament! I miss your dad too. I think he would have loved "There's a Road Here Somewhere." I had told him about it, but it didn't come out until August. He was always so supportive of my writing/books. I'm so glad I had the chance to meet him. What a wonderful man!

Blessings and peace to you this holiday.

Harmony said...

Oh my goodness... so cute! So young! So fun!
YES Maria he would have loved your book! We are loving the stories and memories. So nice to have them collected and shared.
I too am grateful I got to meet Bagette Dad in person - pocket protector and all!
Love and peace to you and yours during this holiday season. Hold everyone close!