Workday Wednesday

Well, hello there! I hope this post finds you cozy and drinking something warm. Hubby and I got home from Hawaii on Friday night and headed straight into a snow storm causing lots of accidents. It took us 2.5 hours just to get home from the airport. We should have stayed in Hawaii…

Ah well, now I'm playing catch up on sewing. Sharing some of my latest projects that are fun. Jeans that have been hemmed are not fun, but I've been doing lots of that too. Ha ha.

1) Two Christmas wrap bags made from a cute llama fat quarter that Bagette Carol gave me. :)

2) Baby gift for a super special little dude that includes hooded towel/wash cloth set, burp cloths, changing pad and of course a Green Bag Lady bag to wrap all the goodies.

3) Just a few of the special order pouches I have made for people for gifts this season. I adore making things that people request for loved ones to use and enjoy. 

Hope you are getting lots done too! XOXO--Teresa

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