UPDATE: Edmonds, Washington Chapter

Thank you Bagette Barbara for the wonderful update on the Edmonds, WA Chapter. Look at all that AMAZING FOOD! I think this chapter wins the award for best refreshments! And, they get bags done too. Kudos for all your hard work, ladies, keep it up and enjoy all the goodies and friendship! Teresa


EDMONDS, WA CHAPTER NEWS: On January 24, 2025, the Edmonds, WA Chapter of GBL met at the home of Bagette Kathy. Awaiting the Bagettes were several bags all cut by Bagette Kathy and ready to iron and sew. Official presser, Pam, was thrilled to see the beautiful and colorful new cover for the ironing board. Snazzy, huh?
Bagette Pam said: “Okaaaay…..not to say our sewing bees revolve around food, but that would be an understatement?? We had Chile Verde (Kathy), Cornbread with Sage leaves, (Susan) and Plum-ginger cake with whipped cream and honey (Carla)! Ohhh, we did get some sewing done tooooo!! Please note my ironing station with a new board cover!!”

I’m so proud of these multi-talented ladies and happy to be their “Publications Manager” by providing updates. Thanks everyone. I hope that I can visit Edmonds this year and have another reunion with you.

Bagette Barbara (Maine Chapter Coordinator and former member of the Edmonds Chapter) 

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