Here are the rules, please follow them:
•LEAVE A COMMENT, IN THE COMMENT LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THIS FORMAT: name(at)something(dot)com it is important to spell out dot and at so you don't get spam, if you DO NOT leave an email address, we will not hunt you down to send you a freebie, thanks.
•In the comment tell us your favorite thing about Valentine's Day.
•In addition to 50 (yes FIFTY) bags, we will also give away TWO $20.00 GIFT CARDS to JO-ANN FABRICS. We hope this will inspire more supplies for bag making (or other sewing)! Bagette Dad will randomly choose 2 comments for the gift cards.
•We LOVE comments and FREEBIES so tell all your sweet friends!
•We LOVE comments and FREEBIES so tell all your sweet friends!
Happy day--Teresa
My mom asked me why I didn't get her a bag, so I'm entering in hopes of winning a Green Bag Lady bag for my mother. I like Valentine's Day because it gives us a reason to tell those we love, that we love them! Not that we need a reason, but sometimes that reminder is needed.
sewingandxstitching (at) verizon (dot) net
My daughter-in-law loved my bag from you, so I'd like to win one for her. Favorite thing about V-day? Duh. Chocolate! sagenorbury(at)yahoo(dot)com.
My husband and I are busy parents to a very active three year old sweet daughter. No matter what else is going on in our lives, Valentine's Day means DATE NIGHT!....something we do far too rarely. We are looking forward to a night out....while Gramma babysits!
Amy in Texas
inkdotwell (at) verizon (dot) net
I love the bags; I've made several various kinds! My favorite thing about Valentine's Day is reminding those you love that you love them and they to you with roses or chocolate or time together (so I guess everything?) One thing is time together. :) (and I just realized Kelly already posted that, but I agree!)
I think it's time to get my husband one of your bags! He's learning the value of "no plastic" from me (and you!). And YES, my favorite thing about Valentine's Day is CHOCOLATE! Everywhere!
my fave thing about valentines day is getting candy grams at my school!
Oh what a cool give away! my most fav thing about Valentines day anymore is spending it with my hubby and son :) we use to do just a "date" for the 2 of us but now that his older we share a nice dinner out with him! This year i think i also am really looking forward to making V-Day cards with him for his sweeties in his kindergarten class cuz he has a few girl friends and phone numbers might i add...LOL i think i have a casanova on my hands! kirajacobs43558 at gmail dot com
Let's see is it chocolate or hearts? I love both! Just found your blog - very interesting!
Hi!...What a wonderful way to celebrate Valentine´s Day!. I really love chocolate hearts ;)
the best thing about valentines is all the red everywhere! it really brightens up winter :)
There are so many little things I love about Valentine's Day but I think my favorite are the surprises my husband and I do for each other. Whether it is a bottle of wine and a candle lit dinner at home or little gifts being delivered at work, I love to surprise him and he loves to surprise me!
jo (dot) wood (dot) m (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh boy! I hope I win! This is my first Valentine's Day as a married lady and I'm excited to spend time with my husband. He's cooking a surprise meal for me. In years past my favorite part of Valentine's day is decorating heart-shaped cookies with pink frosting!
Awesome! I love reuseable bags!
My favorite thing about V-Day are the conversational heart candies. So delicious!
I love reusable bags....but mine are not cute at all :(
My favorite thing about Valentine's Day is just spending the day with my hubby. I hope I win!!
My favourite thing about V-Day is that it is both my parent's and my future parent-in-law's anniversary - what better ways to celebrate love on that special day? Thanks for the chance!
My mom loved my bag I received from you last time. She wants one too. I hope I can win one for her this time around.
I love Valentines day ever since I was a little kid. Cutting out paper hearts in pink and red paper and eating delicious chocolate covered strawberries! Yum!
Thanks for the chance!
I love reusable bags when I go to the Farmers Market. It just makes everything so much easier to carry around.
Valentines Day? What a great day to celebrate love with your kids and making heart shaped cookies for daddy!
I love pink and red everywhere about Valentines day. Thanks for doing the giveaway!
I like Valentines Day because its glittery and bright in my wintery northern land and writing happy notes of affection to my sisters who live out of state. :)
Chocolate!!! Since I was 2 my dad has been buying me chocolate for V-day--such a sweet tradition and ensures a chocolate supply even if I don't have someone else in my life over V-day.
Taking a day off of work to hang out with my husband is something i love about the occasion.
We have a bake sale at my daughter's preschool every year, I love making sweets!
My husband's and my anniversary is the next day so I also love going on the "day after valentine's day"...you still get the specials with none of the crowd!
I'd love a bag, it would be a treasure!
;) amy
I enjoy doing sweet things for my husband and grandson. I also like that tulips are at the grocery store now in Ohio.
found22art (at) yahoo (dot) com
I LOVE the bag you designed for Whitney at Whisker Graphics...so much more fun and useful than the paper-thin reusable bags you can buy at our local grocery stores!! My favorite part about Valentine's Day is surprising friends with little cards and treats to let them know how much I appreciate their friendship...oh, and those yummy chocolate hearts filled with strawberry cream! Thanks, Erin
MKerinwheeler (at) yahoo (dot) com
My fave thing about Valentine's Day? All the great cards and craft projects that pop up. I also like an excuse to give cards and presents!
I love Valetines Day because it was made for my husband and me, of over 21 years. (No one else but us)
I love that it is all about showing and expressing your love for each other........
My favourite thing about Valentines Day is spending time with my boyfriend (at the time)! But since I'm single this year, I will have to opt for going to the day spa or shopping instead. SIGH :)
Favorite thing about Valentine's is my dad's birthday cake - he was a Feb 14th baby!
Thanks for the giveaway!
betsyturner (at) gmail (dot) com
I found your blog via Whisker Graphics and I am delighted. What a wonderful thing you are doing here! My favorite thing about Valentine's Day is the romance of it all.
Hmm...well first and foremost I should admit Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday. Is it a holiday, well never the less it's my favorite. I don't currently have a special someone to share it with but i love sharing it my friends. I look forward to making them special treats and I like to make cupcakes for my co-workers. The day makes me happy because it's all about love; which is one the most powerful things in life.
Thanks for letting me share. I would love one your bags...I live in SF where we plastic bags are a big no no.
Sometimes my hubby needs an excuse to go over-the-top for me! LOVE Feb. 14th!! ohbrooke{at}gmail.com
id love a bag :) my favorite thing about vday? hmmmm. im struggling this year, because i want EVERY day to feel as special as vday. jenfinh (at) yahoo (dot) come
My favorite thing about Valentine's Day is the combination of pink, red and white everywhere! :)
laura (at) frozenmusicstudios (dot) com
my favorite thing about Valentine's is it is my birthday! and of course chocolate! kragthorpe(at)live(dot)com
My favorite thing about Valentine's Day is serving. Last year I hosted my first Valentine's Dinner for one of the singles groups in my church. This year we've included a second group and we're serving brunch to probably 30 singles. For those who won't have a "date" on the "celebrate love" day, we just pamper them and give them an opportunity to remember & reflect on the greatest love of all. It really is the best thing I've ever done on Valentine's Day - enjoy others enjoying being served.
ohhhh err.... forgot my email in the correct format! So sorry. It's movinforward1(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thank you love the bags would love to win one for my daughter..
Terri E
LOVE Valentine's Day! It's a tie between consuming ridiculous amounts of chocolate and making valentines with my preschooler. thanks so much for the chance :)
I just found your website last night (love the video tutorial...your daughter is a natural!) and have already made three bags. I'm in the "dumber than fabric" club, but that doesn't stop me from sewing! Thanks for offering such a fabulously simple pattern.
My favorite thing about Valentine's Day is spending time with my family--my favorite Valentines!
scrapmom3 (at) gmail (dot) com
What I love about V-Day is first of all is all about love so what can be bad about it? Then in my house we love pink (I have two girls) so there´s a lot to do with our favourite colors.
Thanks for this lovely giveaway!
I live Valentines day because it gives my family a change to make homemade cards filled with messages of love and kindness.
my sis gave me the link to your site to check out your fantastic bags---the mod ones are SUPER cute:) valentine's day this year will be really fun, because my 2 1/2 year little tot has been reading books with me about valentine's day and st. valentine. he seems to really 'get it' and can't wait to make valentines and heart cookies (w/ 'spinkles') for his friends:) so, sharing the meaning behind the day with my son is my favorite part of valentine's day:0)
kelly in texas
My thing to do for Valentines Day is to hear I Love You and maybe be taken out to dinner, so I get a night off of cooking,,,,LOL
Thanks to Elyse Luray for posting this to FB
I would love a green bag. I love spending time alone with my husband on Valentine's Day. He always surprises me with a little gift. Sally Hackney
sjhackney (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am looking forward to making bags for my entire family. My mom and I are really pushing for a no plastic bag policy when we run our errands and one of our stores offers 50 cents off your purchase for using totes, so even better!
I like Valentine's day because it is a great reminder to share the love.
I make my family heart shaped treats throughout the month (today it was heart shaped chocolate chip cookies) to let them know I love them. It's a neat way to share the love while I am at work (on evening shift).
Thank you very much!
kaysimmy at yahoo dot com :)
My favorite thing about Valentine's Day is....
having a sweet Ecogeek like me who can make/does make any random day of the year feel like a valentine's day.
RBosko (at) DelightfulLittleMess (dot) com
I like Valentines Day most because my twins (now 13) were born the next day as they were too sweet for Valentines Day and spilled over into the next day. Stan
Valentines Day gives those guys of ours a chance t be sweet and sentimental and share loving thoughts and gifts with all the important women in their lives form their grandmothers to their granddaughters!
I love spending Valentine's Day with my husband :)
My favorite thing about Valentine's is our tradition to stay-in. Hubby makes us a fancy meal and I try a new fancy dessert recipe. I also love not only does my hubby surprise me with Valentine's goodies, but he gets something for the kids too.
(P.S. Keep up the good work. Bags hanging by the door now so I remember to put in the car)
I forgot my e-mail, sorry
cgtutor (at) mindspring (dot) come
Why do I like Valentine's Day? I will have to say that its gives me a reason to tell those I love, how much I love them. agostopr(at)yahoo(dot)com.
I love Valentine's Day because of all the love flowing everywhere. My kids get so excited to celebrate with their friends. What is better than a holiday created to show your love to others. Your bags and your giving spirit is wonderful. Thanks for the inspiration!
I'd love to have a bag! I love Valentines day because my dear husband didn't propose that day like I expected him to. That always makes me giggle especially because we ended up getting married just one month later (to the day) So I get two romantic days only a month apart. Add to that my birthday in January and the first three months of the year are always good.
And because I'm a dope I forgot my email. littlesongbird17 (at) yahoo (dot) com
This is such a great idea!!! ♥♥♥ Going Green is the right direction to go... If I win a bag or material... I promise to make a bag for my friends, so they can share in KEEPIN' it GREEN!!! ♥♥ Happy V-Day ♥♥ Carol Thomas
Hi, i am a thrifty shopper, and don't have a green bag (surprisingly, right?). I don't know why, but i suddenly wanted to see if i can get a free green bag so i google it, and come across your website. I guess i am lucky, found your website before your giveaway game ends! I would love to get one your bag, it would be very special to be using a bag made by someone (i wish i am as talent as you in sewing). I love valentine's Day, because it's a special day that i can make my boyfriend act cheesy, he's very shy when it comes to show affections. Plus, i love the decorations in every store, red roses and red/pink box with sweet chocolate, and i can't wait for the big sale after VD. Thank you.
My favorite thing about Valentine's Day is that my childhood friend Sandy also has 2/14 as her birthday - so I always love sending her mix messages - HBD and HVD cards... it gets tricky because I have to get creative. This year she will be 41 like me and we have been friends since we were 5...makes Valentine's day so very special for me always! :) Oh and Chocolate, that is a close runner up! Thanks for this chance!
Hi, what a doubly nice giveaway - a cool bag and the re-usable grocery bag aspect is so cool, times 50. That's 50 fewer plastic bags going into a landfill and ya gotta love that!
Valentines Day is a nice excuse to give and get love from our nearest and dearest. I like to make and send Valentine greetings.
beaucoop (at) gmail (dot) com
I tried to get in and edit my comment and add my address, I was just soo excited and hit enter comment before I finished so I deleted my other post here I am again.....
Thanks for the giveaway!
Valentines day is all about the chocolate, and an excuse to eat too much of it!
I love this idea! My favorite thing is to curl up on the couch with my two beautiful baby girls and my wonderful husband to watch TV. It's usually Sprout for them but that's ok because while they are occupied for a couple of minutes at a time me and my husband get to talk about anything and everything!! So sweet and special are those stolen moments.
Making Valentines Day cards and sending them out!
My favorite thing about Valentines day has to be giving out candy and cards. Its such a simple thing to do but really brightens someones day on Valentines Day when you give them a card or some candy. I try to give it to people who least expect to get anything from me just to get their reaction...and its priceless.
My cousin wants me to win one for her. So count me in for my cousin Meghan.
Count me in for my niece mehgan!
fingers crossed!!
I wanna win one for my sister and I know she would use it to bits.
My favorite thing about V-day is all the loving. A day devoted to just loving, too cute! Too adorable!!
this site is amazing! just stumbled upon it, and have now been reading for at least an hour! added it to my favorites :o) i will have to see if you have a pattern on here . . .surely you do. need to dig out the sewing machine!!!! i heart vday because i get lots of love from my 3 adorable little girls!
I can appreciate Valentine's Day because even though I am single, I think it is important that my son (and other youngsters) take note there is a day strictly devoted to love. It shows them love is even that more important. Happy Valentine's Day!
Just saw your video on making a bag. Thanks for sharing. I like Valentine's Day because it is a day to say "I love you and I care about you. Not because you're my husband but because we are best friends."
carolemargaret (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
For us, February 15th is our special day. We saw each other on heart day, but the 15th was our last first date...together now 15 years.
Our family is working hard on loving our world and recycling, and reusing and being thrify, too.
monikawright (at) hughes (dot) net
A reason to eat chocolate, skip the diet, and give extra love to kids
alschust (at)hotmail (dot)com
My favorite thing about Valentine's day would have to be the flowers my husband always leaves on the front window of my car...he started when we were dating and it always starts my v-day off right!
My favorite thing about Valentines Day is cooking a fabulous meal with hubby and surprising him with his favorite desserts to follow...I love to bake and I know the key to his heart is through his stomach ;) sweets for the sweet! Your bag movement is FABULOUS! How wonderful!!! I would be honored to carry one!
I get Flowers for my wonderful wife, candy for the kids,
and happiness from the looks on their smiling faces.
I have two favorite things about Valentine's day. 1) When I was little my dad would buy me and each of my sisters a flower (usually a carnation) and ring the doorbell to surprise us with a flower. 2) Now that I'm married (I've been single for a long time), it is an excuse to make something crafty to show my husband that I love him.
I LOVE this picture! My favorite thing about valentine's day is hand made cards!!
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