I finally got a picture taken with my bag. Went and got some groceries the other day and I used your bag for my produce items. I quickly called hubby to take my picture before putting groceries away. I love the bag and as I've mentioned on my previous emails, that you have inspired me to start sewing again :-)
Thank you very much for this wonderful bag and for giving away all those bags you've made. I even gave some of the bags I've made to my mom so she can give them away when she goes and visits the Philippines. Hopefully I will have more bags before she leaves. I even posted it in my blog :-)
Claire from Leroy, NY
I made it here :-) Thanks for all the bag making that you do.
Love the bag
I am with you pretty Lady Claire, watching her blog inspires me to go back sewing again and maybe I can make some for our grocery store here in our small town, so people don't have to use plastic bags anymore when grocery shopping. That could be my plan for this year! :) Thanks Green Bag Lady! Congratulations pretty lady C! :)
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