It might seem trivial, but it sure is wasteful. . .

I was contacted the other day about a software company that is trying to "Kill the Paper Receipt." I finally had a moment to go and read more about it. I know I have a lot of really obnoxious paper receipts in my life. If I go buy one loaf of bread and PAY CASH for it, no, I do not need a receipt, thank you. And, if I buy something big somewhere, like Costco, isn't it much easier if it is just on my Costco card that I bought said big item and now I want to bring it back? Hmmm, think about it, if the cashier happens to ask you if you need a receipt, say no.

Ok, I just had to include the video because it made me laugh! Have a good weekend--Teresa


Luna said...

WOW those facts are scary. Who would have thought that a little receipt would take down so many trees a year, and use so much fuel. WOW this does need our attention and something needs to be done!

Thanks for sharing!

mommy Orkid Belle said...

Just the other day my little boy and I went to the post office and the lady asked me If I want a receipt and I said NO! Even at the grocery store here in our small town. Little things help! :) I don't even buy paper plates!