From Bagette April

Hi Teresa!

It’s been fun following you for the last couple of weeks on the blog.  Looks like you’re having a great time.  I hope you’re getting rested and recharged for the semester ahead!

I thought you might like to see what I’ve been sewing lately.  I decided to try my hand at a drawstring bag so I made a couple of produce bags. 
I also made a new bag to carry to the farmers market.
And speaking of the farmers market, look at the bounty I got that day!  The farmer who sold me the blueberries was so impressed that I brought my own reusable container that he poured in what must have been another half pint of berries!
The produce bags were such a success that I decided to make a few little drawstring treasure bags.  It’s hard to tell from the photo but these are a perfect size for carrying treasures in your purse, such as ipods, cameras, phones, etc.  I gave one to my co-worker this morning and she loved it!
I also started on what will likely be Christmas presents for my family, coaster sets.
And lest you think I’ve been neglecting my Green Bag duties….this stack will number at least 100 by the time we meet again!
Can’t wait to see you and hear about your adventures!  Safe travels home!

Bagette April

1 comment:

Andrea said...

i love the little bag in the bottom left corner (in the pic with the 4 drawstring bags) that fabric is gorgeous!