
I spent a lot of time today in taxis and planes working my way from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia (which is considered one of the southernmost cities in the world)…

This is Robert, me and Alfred on the plane. Alfred is Robert's friend from childhood, he is saying something like, "Why is this crazy lady next to me doing jazz hands?"
I could only snap a few pics of Ushuaia with my iPhone in the taxi on the way to the hotel, do you see the faint rainbow in the one below?
I promise to take more tomorrow in the morning before we have to leave to get the ferry…
True story, while we were riding in the taxi, we stopped at a light and this girl rode her bike in front of the car. Why is she stopped on the sidewalk you ask? Well, see that plastic bag on the handle bar? It ripped open and all her stuff fell on the path and she had to pick it up. Now if she had used a fabric bag…
I'm just sayin'… I will report more on Ushuaia and Puerto William tomorrow. We get on the boat on March 1, at least that is the plan at the moment! Teresa


Rachel said...

"I'm just sayin'"

You crack me up :)

Adryteje said...

"I'm just saying"
Take me with you next time :)
be happy!

ViVy said...

We are following! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Planes,Taxis,and Ferries oh my! Looks as though your spirits are "jazzing". Yes we are following you:):)Margaret

harmony said...

So, don't leave me in suspense... did you hop out and give her a GBL bag? Just sayin....
love and jazz hands!

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Thanks for the comments everyone!

No, it would have been impossible for me to communicate to the driver why the crazy lady was hopping out to give her a bag! :)

Am now in Puerto William!