Here at Chez Green Bag Lady we have been experiencing more than just a cicada infestation. We also have fruit flies. Why? We don't know. They love our ceramic composter. We have been composting for years and have never had this problem. It's driving us nuts. In walks my cleaning lady on Monday. As she was leaving, she says, "I put a glass on your counter to get rid of those fruit flies." Um, ok, wait, what? She explains that she put 1 part apple cider vinegar, 1 part water and 2 drops of dish soap in the glass and that soon, "it would be full of flies." I was very skeptical. My mom always said, "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."
Well, if Aida wasn't right! Look at this glass full of fruit flies!There were about 22 in there when I took the photo this morning, a few more have joined them. Just thought I'd share this natural way to get rid of them in case anyone else was having this issue. I heart my cleaning lady. Teresa
I'll have to remember this recipe when ours come around in the fall!
We have this issue every fall when the seaweed washes in... the flies LOVE wine and are a real treat at art openings and in our grocery stores. Once you get over the ick you get use to them as just part of the ecosystem. Thankful the season typically lasts just a couple of weeks and YES soap and vinegar does attract them well.
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