Girl Scouting Goes Green

Were you a Girl Scout? I was and my mom was my troop leader through it all. I gave up in High School but my younger sister didn't, she even got her Gold Award. For those of you that don't know what that is, it is similar to the Eagle Scout award in Boy Scouting. I am now a lifetime member of the Girl Scouts and Little Girl loves her troop. Big Girl adores going to camp every year and is, at the moment, convincing Little Girl that sleep away camp is really fun and urging her to attend the same week so they can be there together. Don't know what I'll do with both of them gone for a week!

Anyway, have you heard about THIS? The Girl Scout 100th Anniversary Take Action Project is called Forever Green. I cannot tell you how happy I am about this. The only way that people are going to start taking responsibility for our planet is to learn how important it is when they are young. This will also encourage these young girls to urge their parents into action. Good Job Girl Scouts. I'm happy to be a part of you! Read more on the GS website HERE. Oh, and don't forget to buy some cookies! Teresa


Grace said...

WOW. I'm a girl scout leader and I've not heard a word about this.... kind of sad. I'll look into it.

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

I'm glad I could be helpful!