Workday Wednesday

Oh my it feels like Friday. Anyone else? It's Presidents Day weekend and my kids are off tomorrow and Monday. I swear they have not had a full week of school since Christmas break ended. Between snow days and holidays, my house is crazy.

I would love to give you a recap of homemade valentines (previous, here, + here) sadly, only Little Man still brings Valentines to school and he wanted Peanuts ones from the store. Ah well. Maybe these for next year?

I have been sneaking down to my sewing room in spare moments. I'm working on a big batch of pouches to stock the etsy shop. I think I have 50+ in the works.
 How cute are the dogs??
I need to press them, iron on labels, tie ribbon to the zippers, and photograph them. All in good time. What are you up to? If you made Valentines, please leave me a link, I would love to see! Teresa

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