Denver Aquarium!

A couple of weeks ago, the kids and I and a visiting friend all went to the Denver Aquarium. It was great! It wasn't super huge or extensive, but perfect for a 2 hour visit.
 They even had a mermaid show! Little Girl has always loved mermaids so it kinda made her day.

And, we got to see a turtle laying dozens of eggs! See the ping pong ball shaped things below the turtle? Eggs! She was simply swimming around dropping eggs in the water. SO cool to see!
 Jellyfish, gotta love the jellyfish. Always one of my favorites.
 Couldn't resist this photo op.
 They had a "pet a stingray" pond. Little Man thought it was awesome.
 They were almost like dogs the way they would swim up to be pet!
 Fun was had by all.
Do tell what adventures you are having this summer, I would love to hear about it! Teresa


Lori Smanski said...

how fun. my husband and i will be going to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago this summer. I always love these places

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

I agree, they are very cool Lori and don't make me sad like zoos can. :)