Another infographic I had to share…

Click HERE to read more about organic food. Teresa


Unknown said...

Espero que puedas traducir mi mensaje, porque no se escribir en ingles. Me ha encantado tu blog, es precioso, te comento que yo suelo coser y siempre como madre que traba que soy, llevo una bolsa de tela en mi bolso o mochila y no pido bolsa plastica, en ocasiones hago bolsas a mis hermanas y amigas, luego de leer tu blog, creo que tomare más en serio mi deber de educar a las chicas a que lleven una bolsita de tela, para que rechasen las bolsas a la hora de comprar, GRACIAS por ser un buen ejemplo a seguir.
Tambien tengo tres hijas y me gusta todo lo que sea trabajo manual.
Te dejo un GRAN!!! abrazo desde Costa Rica, con mucho cariño

Admin said...

Here is a Translation of Ivonne's comment:

I hope you can translate my message, because you write in English. I loved your blog, it's beautiful, I commented that I usually sew and always locking mother that I am, I carry a cloth bag in my purse or backpack and plastic bag not ask, do sometimes bags to my sisters and friends, after reading your blog, I think it'll take more seriously my duty to educate the girls with a cloth bag, so rechasen bags when shopping, thanks for being a good role model. Also I have three daughters and I like everything that is manual labor. I left a great! hug from Costa Rica, with love

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Ivonne--Gracias por tu comentario Ivonne! ¡Qué cosa más dulce para ti decirlo. ¿Quieres un bolso de nosotros? Mi padre estaría encantado de enviar uno. He estado en Costa Rica y es un hermoso país. Espero volver allí de nuevo en algún momento en los próximos años! Abrazos de los USA! Teresa

Thank you for your comment Ivonne! What a sweet thing for you to say. Would you like a bag from us? My father would be happy to send you one. I have been to Costa Rica and it is a beautiful country. I hope to go back there again sometime in the next few years! Hugs from the USA! Teresa

Unknown said...

¡Que alegría recibir tu respuesta tan pronto! Que emosionante; me encantaría recibir un bolsito vuestro que ilusión me hace.

Te dejo mi correo para que nos escribamos he intercambiemos direcciones

Y te dejo la dirección de mi blog por si alguna vez quieres ver mi trabajo, pronto pondre de mi huerta que hago en botellas de plastico desechable, te encantará!!

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

admin translation:

What a joy to receive a reply so soon! That emosionante, I would love to receive your illusion placket me.

I leave you my email so that we write I Swap @ addresses ivonne.curco

And I leave my blog address if you ever want to see my work, soon I will put in my garden I do in disposable plastic bottles, you'll love it!

Tatyana said...

Hi Teresa! My name is Tanya. I live in Belarus. When I found you and your website, I was very surprised and pleased. You are a wonderful woman! I had not thought to what bag I walk. But after reading about your bags, I realized how important a bag that I carry food to children and their personal belongings.Now I refuse plastic bags and pick awkward beautiful, clean and comfortable and your bag! Thank you for your hard work and for the fact that you are changing the lives of people who live in different parts of the world for the better! Sincerely, Tatyana.

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Thank you Tatyana for all your kind words. I hope you win a bag from us soon!