4-Ply Tie Mask Tutorial

This will be my last mask tutorial. If you missed the others, I'll link to them. This is an easy way to make a 4-ply cotton mask with ties. The ties can be ribbon, cotton sewn in a tube and then turned right side out (I have a lovely neighbor making these for me!) or simply serge a thin piece of fabric. Go, sew! 

Spent yesterday cutting out a stack of 100 Harmony organic cotton masks to sew. Guess what I'm doing today? :) Teresa


Maria said...

It's not as sturdy, but you can use a bread tie as the wire. Other ties that come in packaging are a little thicker and if you have them around they are coated and they also might work.

Yoga with Gaileee said...

Great job, once again!

harmony said...

Rock on Green Bag Lady! You ALWAYS inspire and amaze me with your talent and giving. Hibernation Hugs to you and your team!

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Thanks Maria, for some reason, I don't have those kind of bread ties, I only have the little plastic clip ones that I refuse the throw away and accumulate in a drawer. Sheesh!

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Thanks Yoga! :)

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Can't do it without your amazing fabric Harmony! :)