Another Room Redo

I'm trying to go through my house room by room, straighten up, get rid of things, etc. I'm no Marie Kondo but I'm getting the job done slowly. I showed you Little Man's room a couple of months ago. Little Girl is 20 and away at college but her room still looked like it did when she picked out the furniture in 2013. It needed a change and it all started with the FREE antique nightstand that I scored off our Facebook page. I suggested painting it to Little Girl but she loved it as is (me too!). I was able to sell her old furniture on the same FB page for the price of the new all metal bed which is much sturdier. Yay! I completely moved where the bed was located in her room, gave away a ratty desk that needed its own makeover and was only a junk collector. I'm still trying to figure out curtains and maybe another rug (since the carpet is not great). I'll post more pics when I'm finished. For right now, I am keeping the lavender colored dressers that I painted for her room shortly after we moved here. First photo is the before from 2013, next 3 photos are recent. I also cleaned her fish tank… :P Cheers! Teresa



1 comment:

Maria said...

Great job!! Cleaning out things is a constant battle against clutter that multiplies when you turn your head away! We have a room that is "storage" that I'm starting to tackle. That and the garage...and boy does that garage have the ability to multiply junk!

Of course, I have to stop to work on taxes this month. UGH.