Workday Wednesday

Hey there lovely readers. I've been doing lots of sewing lately and thought I'd share some of the projects. 

1) Burp cloths and hooded towel/wash cloth set for a shower gift for a sweet friend and her baby. :)

2) Burb cloths for Big Girl's boss at work who just had a little boy.

3-5) Halloween bags to give away in my neighborhood. The first pic bags are made from fat quarters that Joann sent me by mistake with an order I placed. I let them know about it and they said to keep them. Joann's loss is Green Bag Lady gain! The other 2 pics are bags made from fabric that was already cut to be masks in 2020. Obviously, the squares never made it to the mask stage and have just been sitting in my stash. I like how cute and patchworky they turned out, no? And, they are the perfect, smaller size for little kids. Win win.

What kind of things have you been making lately? It did occur to me that I should make a Halloween felt banner for my fireplace like my other seasonal ones. However, I'm too busy right now making zip pouches for my November booth sales. Next year… Cheers! Teresa

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