Workday Wednesday

Some things to share that I've been working on in the new year:

1-3) Burp cloths for new babies! First set is for a Nashville friend who is having her first granddaughter. Yay! Other one is for my longtime tennis instructor who just had a grandson. Babies!

4) I've started make tiny zip pouches. These are XXS size (4"x3"). I've had XS ones (5"x4") in my etsy shop for years. I just couldn't stand to get rid of small scraps of such cute fabrics, enter XXS! These are perfect for medicine, earbuds, jewelry, lip balm, etc. I have one by my bed and I love the size. Win, win.

6) Travel theme bags to hand out on planes when hubby and I take trips. Of course, Bagette Danny has been doing this for years and I'm finally getting on board. But, then again, Bagette Danny is much cooler than I am. :)

7) A slew of bags. I have had several bolts of fabric hanging out in my basement for YEARS that need to get used. It's so much easier to cut and sew the smaller pieces that pile up that the bolts tend to get forgotten. Not anymore! One of my goals for 2024 is to use up bolts!

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