UPDATE: Maine Chapter

Bagette Barbara is the best! Look at what she has organized in Maine! So great. I love to see the project continuing to spread far and wide and Barbara is one of the people who has been instrumental in helping set up chapters in all the places she has lived. She is amazing. Thank you Barbara, Debi and all the other Maine Bagettes for your hard work and generosity. Teresa


Hi Teresa--

February 8, 2024, I hosted the first Green Bag Lady event at the Common Good Soup Kitchen, in Southwest Harbor. It was super fun! 

Here are some photos you may post on your blog. The photo of me (first photo) was taken by the MD Islander reporter, Jess Cummings.

I showed the bagettes and reporter the video you had made in Nashville around 2011 explaining the GBL Project. They loved it, especially hearing about Bagette Dad. I told everyone that I have been involved in the GBL Project since 2010 when I met you in Nashville.

Bagette Debi, who has been helping with the Maine Chapter of the GBL Project since 2020, is also the new Director of Common Good Soup Kitchen. GBL has been offered the use of the Common Good space for sewing events. On Thursday, there were 3 Bagettes, Debi, me, and others who stopped by to check us out. We made and donated around 20 fabric bags to Common Good to use for their food bank recipients.

The local newspaper sent a reporter who subsequently posted an online story.

The next event is scheduled for Saturday, March 9th from 9:30 to noon at the Common Good Soup Kitchen in Southwest Harbor, Maine.  All volunteer "Bagettes" who attend will receive a free Green Bag Lady fabric shopping bag. Everyone is welcome. No experience needed. B.Y.O.M. (machine), sewing scissors, iron, and ironing board, if possible. Fabric will be provided. 

Coordinator - Maine Chapter
Green Bag Lady Project


Anonymous said...

These Bagettes look like they are having a blast! I can’t wait to join in this summer or fall. Cheryl

Anonymous said...

We always have so much fun!💚💚😍

Bagette Barbara said...

Thanks, Bagette Cheryl. I look forward to making Green Bag Lady bags with you in Maine this summer or fall. Barbara

Bagette Barbara said...

Thanks to all the Maine bagettes who attended the two recent Green Bag Lady & The Bagettes events at Common Good, Southwest Harbor, Maine.
The next sewing event will be on Saturday, March 9th from 9:30 am to Noon Eastern Time at Common Good, Southwest Harbor, Maine. All sewers are welcome. (BYOM)'Bring your own machine.

Kit Charles said...
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"Your blog is not just a source of information; it's an experience. The way you blend facts, anecdotes, and a touch of humor makes each post an enjoyable journey. Thanks for making learning so entertaining!"