Just in case you were under the impression that production of bags has slowed down, I thought I would prove otherwise. The photo at the top is serged handles waiting to be trimmed. The next photo is of serged bags waiting to be paired with handles. The third photo are the handles that will be paired with those bags. The fourth photo is of bags waiting for the events in April and May. There are 24 bags in each of those bags. 450 in all.
The events we have coming up are big and we have been sewing our little hearts out to prepare for them. We will be at the Live Green Expo in Plano, TX on April 18. Info here.
We will also be at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts here in Nashville in May. Keep checking the site for detailed information on that event.
We would love for you to attend these events, get a bag and say hello!
Have a wonderful weekend! Teresa
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