Take One, Make One--SEW MAMA SEW Giveaway Day! 100 WINNERS!

It's that time of year again! It is the December Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day. Please read the following carefully:

TAKE ONE, MAKE ONE Freebie, what you will get:
One Green Bag Lady shopping bag already made for you to use instead of paper or plastic AND one bag cut out and ready for YOU to sew to GIVE AWAY and encourage someone else to stop using paper and plastic.

Very easy shopping bag pattern is HERE. How to video is HERE.

To enter this freebie do the following:

•LEAVE A COMMENT, IN THE COMMENT LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THIS FORMAT: name(at)something(dot)com it is important to spell out dot and at so you don't get spam, if you DO NOT leave an email address, we will not hunt you down to send you a freebie, thanks.




•Yes, we will ship internationally.

Good Luck! Teresa and the Green Bag Lady Team


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Anonymous said...

This christmas I'll be goinggreen by keeping the wrapping paper from my gifts and using newspaper to wrap others.
Great blog and thanks for the giveaway!


Rebecca said...

I'm going green by making gift tags out of my scrap paper, and doing a craft day with my kids to make snowmen with everyone's names for their place-setting (out of recycled items). Thanks for the chance!

bubbachenille said...

I am going green for Christmas by using fabric napkins at my table instead of paper ones. Thanks for the giveaway !

juliecache said...

so....1 and 1/8 yards for fabric is what I need to make your pattern? Sign me up! I am going green this Christmas by using fabric napkins, using cloth shopping bags, and using my huge stash of raffia for gift bows. Thanks! jcammcguire at yahoo dot com

Lisa said...

I'm going green by making more of my gifts using things I already have or second-hand items rather than buying new things.

Jonnie (JB) said...

I am not using Christmas lights on the outside of my house this year and I'm sending e-cards instead of paper cards.

Jo said...

i'm be going green by making fabric gift wrapping so that can be re-used!


Freda said...

This Christmas I'll be going green by making gift tags from my fabric scraps and using fabric napkins in place of paper ones for dinner. Thanks so much for the giveaway! freda.messick(at)gmail(dot)com

Blancei said...

I'm going green (AND saving money) with my friends by making gifts for each other with things we already have at home, instead of buying stuff!

Andrea said...

Wow 100? Maybe I have a shot at winning :)

apeak AT hotmail DOT com

Leslie L said...

Going green by staying home for the holidays, and instead of buying new stuff and dumping old, I'm going to pull out some of my old toys, clean them up, and give them to my kids for Christmas presents.


Tanya said...

This year my family is using the 'Worlds most useful gift catalogue' (www.usefulgifts.org) to minimise consumption and create hope. Thanks for this giveaway

Amanda said...

've recently become obsessed with repurposing food packing. For example, I use the waxy bags cereal comes in for rolling out cookie dough. I also have been stashing away little plasitc trays that herbs come in. I'm not sure what they'll be used for yet. I'm also going to make reusable gift tags.

isabel f. said...

I'm going green by making bookmarks for my friend using cereal boxes, milk packages, etc.
please count me in!!
and go to my blog
I'm hosting this giveaway too :))

Lia said...

I'm going green by not shampooing my children...and hopefully me too eventually :p lia(at)liaspace(dot)com

Danielle said...

I'm going green this x-mas by making my gifts from upcycled fabrics (from thrift stores) and hand printing wrapping paper by using non-toxic inks on newspaper. Australia will love the Green Bag Lady!!


Michele said...

I'm reusing Christmas bags and making gift tags from last year's Christmas cards. It's a tradition! And the green grocery bags have been a godsend. I adore using them. Not just for the environment, but they hold so much more than those silly plastic things!

Sonia said...

Just found your blog via sewmamasew. I'm in the Nashville area too! I love what you've been doing with the bags. I've been using reusable bags for quite a while now...but occassionally I have to use the store plastic ones, and I feel soooo guilty when I do! lol. Just wanted to say hi :)

Melissa said...

I am using repurposed fabric and scraps to create gifts this year, as well as to wrap gifts! Nothing beats re-using!
Your blog is fun- thanks!

ruthiesmom16 (at) yahoo (dot) com

gretamargreta said...

100 chances to win! sweet! i'm going green this christmas with solar christmas lights.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! What an amazing and thoughtful giveaway. I love it.

How am I going green? Several years ago we stopped wrapping our gifts. We use boxes that we reuse over and over again, and everyone's gift is tied up in a fabric ribbon, also reusable year after year.

I do not use gift tags, but instead use a different color ribbon for every member of our family. Daddy is red kind of thing. And only I know.

This is a big hit with our kids.


Abie said...

Thanks for hosting this! ^_^ I always try to carry my own bags to the store, but my parents dont, so if I win, I am going to give the made on to my mom and then make the other for my dad, so they both have one! ^_~

abigail.lee {at} gmail.com

Anonymous said...

We wrap gifts in reusable ways and no napkins...made them this year.
Nikki S
ansarha(at)bendbroadband(dot)com Great site...thanks for sharing

lesleyandsara said...

this season i am giving fabric reusable coffee cup cozies as gifts so my friends and family don't have to waste the cardboard ones all the time! they are awesome!


Hammond Bride said...

This Christmas I'm going green by giving gift cards in recycled cans from our Thanksgiving feast. (I decorate them, of course.)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Needled Mom said...

I have gone green by making gift bags from fabric this year. They are much cuter anyway.

Theresa said...

I'm green this Christmas with reusable fabric bags wrapping all my gifts, and giving green gifts like earth-friendly home made laundry soap.

Anonymous said...

Going green is easy...I use the same artificial tree every year, no outside lights and use the same gift boxes as previous years. The Christmas cards I purchased are recycled materials. My son is studying to be an Environmental Engineer....I'm reminded constantly of my ways!

Sara said...

This Christmas, I am making unpaper towels for a gift & cloth napkins for my own family.

Jerri said...

I'll be green by using the kids' drawings for wrapping the small stuff, and bath towels for the larger stuff. (The towel is part of the gift)

The Sewing Dork said...

Going green: I am wrapping everything in fabric. A gift in itself :)

Bella Linguini said...

I went green and thrifty this year by making gifts out of things I already had in the house. I am also planning on going greener for 2010 by making some cloth napkins instead of using paper ones all the time. I've been considering it for ages now and decided to sew up my own rather than buying ones already made.

simply mocha said...

Im going green by using cloth napkins, wrapping gifts with recycled paper or fabric bags, and using shopping bags instead of plastic.

mouse said...

This Christmas we are going green by trying to give more practical and reusable gifts instead of disposable novelties. I'd also like to try using fabric to wrap gifts instead of paper--the resuable wrapping can be part of the gift!

Shorty said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win! I'm so glad I was led to your blog by Sew Mama Sew. If I'm one of the lucky winners you can reach me at cloverschick(at)gmail(dot)com.

Shorty said...

And I forgot to add that I'm going green this Christmas by not using too much paper by sending Christmas cards... electronic ones will work well! And I'm making several of my own gifts to give to relatives. Thanks again for the opportunity to win! cloverschick(at)gmail(dot)com.

redzshadow said...

This is a fantastic idea! Love it! This Christmas the entire family will be giving only items that are hand made with recycled materials from either something we already have or from a thrift store. No new items will be bought!

I am going to tweet about this giveaway too because I think this is a great one!

redzshadow (at) gmail (dot) com

Jennifer said...

I'm going green this Christmas by making Christmas gifts out of supplies I already have and using reusable wrapping--like fabric bags. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

i'm going green by using energy saving christmas lights. happy giveaway day! here's my giveaway http://www.simplymodernmom.com/2009/12/the-gift-box-a-giveaway/

stuff said...

i am so glad to have found your site and your inspiring service!

my green gifts for everyone are baked goods in reusables & donations to heifer international.

thank you!

penguins said...

What a great motivating site!
I"ve been saving the funny papers all year to wrap presents with. And I"m making cloth bags for some of my family members! vembirds at gmail dot com.

Melanie said...

I'm going green this year by using recycled kraft paper for wrapping and decorating packages with ornaments the recipient can keep. I'm also making some gifts from recycled wool sweaters. I need to get busy!


Gretta said...

I love this giveaway! This Christmas my family is going green by doing our second handmade/local Christmas- everything we give needs to be handmade by ourselves or someone we know personally. This cuts down on shipping and the craziness of holiday consumerism. Overall it probably cuts down on our overall Christmas footprint quite a bit.


Tina said...

I'm going green by buying new gifts as little as possible. I will be making and repurposing as much as I can.

sarah in the woods said...

I'll be making tags and cards. Lovely bags. Thanks for the opportunity.
slj4981 at gmail dot com

Mare said...

I'm so happy with this giveaway! this year we will be wrapping our gifts in newspaper and I'm making fabric bags for most of friends to carry things!!!

mon ami said...

I'm going green every day and every way I can! Specific to Christmas - handmade gifts using recycled fabric (old clothes, bought at thrift stores, etc). I use scrap security envelopes to make cards and gift tags from. I buy local and organic food wherever I can. I always carry cloth bags with me to the store. And, I would love to add one of your bags to my stock!

thanks for sharing

Josie said...

This is such a great idea! tow gracery store chains in my area have stopped using plastic bags (one doesn't have any bags) Great givaway!

Jenni said...

So excited about your green efforts- this is fun! I'm going green by crocheting coffee cozies to be used by all of my co-workers instead of those pesky cardboard ones from Starbucks or Wawa. jennirowles @ yahoo.com

Mama Lusco said...

Woo hoo! THanks for the generous freebies! I'm making reusable, drawstring bags to wrap gifts again this year. Also using up my fabric stash to make most of our gifts this year. Thank you! alusco@centurytel.net

Emilee said...

I'm trying to wrap presents in other presents. (Like cookbooks in aprons, jeans in t-shirts, etc.)

Emilee at johnemilee AT msn

Marianne Penner said...

What a great idea. Thanks for the giveaway.

Betsy said...

I'm going green by using recycled wrapping paper... and then recycling it!


acmcs said...

hooray, great giveaway! I use reusable bags when I shop and biodegradable doggie bags and recycle a lot of my old clothing for sewing projects. thanks for the giveaway op!
toilandtrouble [at] spambog [dot] com

Heather said...

Can always use another reusable shopping bag! Plus a sewing project ready-to-go. Thanks for the chance to win!

Sarah Seitz said...

I'm going green this Christmas by making all my own Christmas presents. Stop consumerism!


Anonymous said...

Re-using gift bags from last year! They never get thrown away.

Candace said...

Your bags are so cute! I am trying to collect more shopping bags, but really hate buying ones from the store that were made in china.

Victoria van der Laan said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway! I always use reusable fabric wraps for my gift-giving. This year we're also cutting way back on gifts and instead giving money/time to worthy causes. So much greener, and more in the spirit of the season.


Jennifer Garonzik said...

we're going green by limiting the number of gifts we are giving, recycling wrapping and making fabric gift bags, and making recycled paper cards.
jennjiterrell at yahoo dot com

Jamie said...

Wow, SUPER generous! Thanks. I'll be more green this year as I concentrate on making more gifts (using supplies that I already have) and using and re-using a lot of ribbons and fabric wrappings.

sommerkind said...

100? That's generous. Thanks for the giveaway.I always reuse the wrapping paper from last year. It's no problem, if you are careful when unpacking. I also reuse the ribbons. It's best for little presents, but sometimes I'm lucky and find a relly long piece.

daizee said...

I'm going to be using fabric for wrapping paper this year.


joanthequilter said...

We're going green by using fabric as wrapping paper, fastened by safety pins. After all, I have more than enough fabric...

Angie said...

This year instead of gift bags I made fabric bags this way they can use the bags as an all purpuse use instead of throwing it away or putting in a tote until next christmas. 100 bags you are truly generous and Green Bag Lady just became a Favorite blog!

Angie said...

This year instead of using gift bags I have made or bought fabric bags. It is more like an All-Purpose bag that can be used year round!

MichelleM said...

I am going green by turning the heat down a few degrees to save energy and $! Love your giveaway!

Lauranie said...

I have already stopped using plastic and am slowly weaning my paper bag usage...but I will be using the bags I already have as wrapping paper this season, as well as re-fashioning "out-of-style" clothing into something "newer", then using scraps to embellish purchased items. Thanks for being generous and caring enough!

gwendolen gross said...

we're keeping the thermostat lower. I tell my kids they just have to keep wearing the handmade sweaters to stay warm (they aren't itchy, either)!
Thanks! What a great project!

Mary Anna said...

I'm going green by reusing and repurposing tons of stuff for the season. I keep in-shape gift bags year to year, I cut the cute fronts of cards and reuse as gift tags the next year, I save all my ribbons and bows and use them to add a touch of the season around the house ...

Thanks for a wonderful give-away!

- Mary Anna

Tim, Allyson, and kids said...

We're going green by using recycled items to wrap gifts. We're even making our own gift bows from old magazines.

Tim, Allyson, and kids said...

Sorry, Iforgot to leave my email.

Sofia ;) said...

Hello! I'm going green this year by using newspaper for my decorations and using fabric bigs for my shopping.

Cori Lewis said...

This Christmas I am going green buy using the reusable shopping bags to wrap the gifts in (The Disney Store has great ones that look like gift bags). I hope to find others as well. that way everyone can reuse them.

Mama24Monkeys said...

I am going green by using fabric to wrap my kids and husbands gifts in fabric. This way I don't buy paper and I get to use the fabric!

Mary said...

What a great idea! I have been meaning to make my own bags but up until now have been using the ones you buy from the big dept. store. I hate advertising for them so would love your kit to get my started on my own!

JillyBeanJar said...

This Christmas I'm going green by using cloth gift bags and gifting unpaper towels and napkins to family members (we already use 90% cloth products).

jillybean7681 at gmail dot com

Catlin said...

I'm going green by making most of my gifts and decorations out of fabric or other things I already have. It is fun to think of ways to reuse what I've already got! I love these shopping bags!


carmel said...

i am always collecting all plastic bottels, batteries and so to send out for recycle. besides that i reuse raping paper, and i save printed paper to turn over the other side and drew and paint on it for the kids


Unknown said...

This year I'm doing all my shopping very locally and not driving round to get things that can be found on my doorstep. princessnoknots(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Wow! So exciting! My family is switching from commercial cleaning products to making our own...baking soda and vinegar do wonders, and no fumes to choke on.

Lindsey G

Candice @ Made With Love said...

Such a great giveaway, and oh so generous! Thank you for this opportunity! I made fabric napkins this year instead of paper ones for the Christms table!


Holly U said...

Wow, seeing your bags in India leaves me speechless too. How amazing that must make you feel!

One thing I'm doing to go green this year is making sandwich bags from cotton, PUL and velcro for my coworkers to encourage them to use less too. (My family's been using the prototypes for a while now).


Barbara said...

Give fewer useless gifts!

abarb1000 at yahoo dot com

floribunda said...

I can always use another tote for the market! We're going to stay home and wrap up in quilts this year instead of lighting fires, and I try to make gifts myself as much as possible.

adelantegirl said...

We're making several Christmas gifts and limiting wrapping paper.

adelantegirlblog at gmail dot com

Anna said...

Love the bags!! I am going green this Christmas by shopping locally as much as possible. It has been so much fun! I am also wrapping some of my gifts in darling fabric for others to use!!

Tara said...

Our Christmas is all about handmade this year! We're up-cycling a thrifted end table into a play kitchen for my son and using may thrifted/gifted fabrics into play food, plates, napkins, etc. It's so much fun and far more satisfying than buying commercially! Thanks for the chance to win!!

C. Michele said...

We have been going green for some time now. We use reusable shopping bags, recycle almost everythings and are cutting down on how much we consume by finding ways to reuse what we already have. For christmas, we are making our gifts this year--instead of buying them.


Sommer said...

I can't think of any thing specific to Christmas we are going to do to go green. We aren't sending Christmas cards this year - that is part green and part lazy.

slewis1327 (at)windstream (dot) net

Karen said...

I'm going green by making gifts from supplies I already have at home and making fabric gift bags!


Eilidh said...

upcycling loads of stuff for presents:old fabric into princess capes and wigwam for girls.
doing more cloth nappy talks to preg ladies to encourage them.
chezdonnelly (at) googlemail (dot) com

Tracy said...

We buy the Christmas tree that you can plant after Christmas...we always do. That way we save a tree instead of throwing one away ;o}

I love those bags~I sew but I never thought of that! great idea! I would so use the bag...I live in TN too by the way!


Vicki said...

You guys rock! I'm shopping online to save gas $, cutting down on spending in general, giving a few handmade gifts. :)

vickivictoria at gmail

Banyay said...

first of all, how cool are you for making green bags!
I am making my own cleaning supplies (not as Christmas gifts) but I'm not doing wrapping paper for Christmas gifts. And you've been on CNN! how neat


Anonymous said...

I love the idea of making my own bags for friends & family! Thanks for the giveaway!

Leigh said...

fabulous! I am going green by handmaking gifts from supplies I already have on hand, & using fabric, newpaper and magazines to wrap gifts.

maeve315@msn.com said...

I'm using cloth napkins, sacks for shopping, sewing handmade items for gifts, recycling everything possible, setting heating at 66 degrees, giving away to those in need the items I don't need or use, going organic as much as possible in my cooking and baking, using organic personal bathing products and cleaning products. These are just some of the things I am currently doing to help the environment. I want to put my name in the hat for the giveaway! Thanks for being so green!

Chris Worthy said...

I just bought a vintage sheet from a thrift store. I plan to use it to make reusable gift bags.


Anonymous said...

i won last time and use it all the time

punkrockgirl said...

awesome bags! I'm going green by making reusable bags too!

klukes (at) gmail (dot) com

Corvus said...

Thusfar, I'm guaranteed a win. Hmm. I'm going green by doing without a tree, if that counts, and by handmaking a lot of my gifts out of thrift store materials.


Rhiannon said...

I'm going green by renting a potted christmas tree and only using reusable wrapping (like gift bags and fabric).

Aaron and Consuelo said...

I'm going green by using last year's gift tags (which I saved just for this year). Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I'm making as many gifts this year as possible instead of buying at the mall.

sfer said...

You're just amazing... Thanks for another year of giveaways!!
This Christmas I'm using recycled paper to wrap all my presents. And, of course, I'm also carrying my own green bags when I'm off shopping (but I do that all the time, not only in Christmas).

Thanks (again), and congratulations on your endeavors!


Rose said...

This Christmas we are going green by buying unpackaged wooden toys for our children, and using last years wrapping paper (yes I am sort of a serial paper reuser.


GloJoeSews said...

This Christmas I'm going a little green. I'm making some buttercup bags out of al old GIANT denim dress I used to wear when I was 100 pounds heavier!!! It's kind of a fun way to remember how hard I worked to lose it and a fun way to go green!

Sonja said...

Right now I use green bags for years. Recycle(cans, glass, cans)Make my own cleaning supplies, Have been using cloth napkins for years. Compost.Recycle clothes(thrift shops).I think this year, gift tags so simple.

Sonja said...

I was so excited about your site I added it to my blog, and forgot my e-mail.

Rachel Slote-Brown said...

What a great giveaway! Count me in.
rachelsquilts (at)hotmail (dot) com

Angie said...

WOW- how generous of you! We are actually "wrapping" all of our gifts in reusuable shopping bags like yours! It's harder than we thought to find them without advertising all over them, but this would help tons!


Thanks for the opportunity!

gchaney said...

We are hand making gifts this year and the kids are donating one toy to charity for each new toy received. And- we're staying home! Great giveaway!

Spendlove said...

Going green by using scraps to make gifts, lots of fun includes soda tabs! Thanks for the chance.TASpendlove(at)hotmail(dot)com

gchaney said...

Forgot my email: gabrien@gmail.com for g. chaney's comment above (sorry)

jojoebi-designs said...

what a great idea!
I am not buying giftwarp anymore, I have stamped little bags and fabric to wrap presents in this year.

sweet limes said...


I'm going green by making draw string bags to wrap my kids presents, and they will be used to keep toys tidy with afterward!

Katie said...

I would love love this giveaway! To go green we have been saving all the shopping bags from store and my daughter has been painting them and gluing on old cards to decorate and make gift bags. For the tissue paper, she's been cookie cutter painting newspaper. But I do wrap the actual gift in tissue paper so it won't get newsprint on it. So far I've been able to use tissue paper in our stash.

Katie said...

Oh darn it, forgot me email address which is attached to profile but is also katiesnestingspot(at)live(dot)com sorry!

michelou said...

Wow, this give away is INSANE! I can't believe you are giving away 100!!

I am making a lot of gifts this year and the shopping that I do I try to bring a reusable bag with me. I can never have enough so this giveaway is awesome.


A. said...

Wow. How generous!

I'm going green by using all reusable gift wrap this year, and I do my best to stay green year round. Reusable dishwipes and napkins, fabric lunch sack and sandwhich wraps... I've got far to go, but I'm trying!

albeaton (at) aol (dot) com

Jessica said...

I'm going green by making a lot of gifts this year - several of the ones for my kiddos are things that i am refashioning out of existing items. Thanks for the opportunity!


Alli Forsyth said...

I'm going green this Christmas by making all wrapping paper out of magazines. Great blog and giveaway!!



ladmquilter said...

I plan on going green by wrapping gifts in homemade pillowcases in stead of wrapping paper. Thanks for a great giveaway. Also gift tags from recycled Christmas cards.

Lisa said...

we're going green by making most gifts and shopping locally (by foot!)... reducing our gas miles!

CCherry said...

One of my spare kids has been collecting jars for a few months- we're going to fill them this weekend with hot chocolate and spiced tea mix, add some newspaper bows, and most of her Christmas presents are done.

crazycuratorchick at yahoo dot com

Llamabean said...

We are going green this christmas like many others by donating to charity for gifts and any physical gifts will be wrapped in reusable cloth bags.
Great Blog!

Tracy said...

This Christmas, my cloth diapered kids will be enjoying cloth napkins and nothing disposable while we've committed to not buy extra junk and to re-use all we have. I am sewing and knitting many of our gifts, avoiding processed foods to serve Christmas day. tracylhl2003(at)yahoo(dot)come

Dee said...

Wow and wow! One way we're going green is to take our own, schlubby bags (nothing like your beautiful ones) and if the purchase is a small amount, we tell them to keep the bag!

Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome giveaway! You're far too generous!
Merry Christmas!

CaughtInYourGrace said...

This Christmas I'm actually making all of my gifts for my friends and family...rather than getting all kinds of storebought items. Handcrafted gifts always seem more creative and from the heart. I'm making my own gift wrap and bags with materials I already have (recycled). I'm an artist and love anything crafty!

Contact- MENelson10@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

We're using cloth in place of paper and plastic for a lot of things.

Marjorie said...

We are going green this Christmas(again) by reusing bows and gift bags, making more gifts rather than purchasing things, etc.

chad and cheryl said...

I'm going green by giving gifts in fabric bags this year and using cloth napkins at the table. Great giveaway!!

Cinnamon said...

This is a great idea! I'm going green this Christmas by skipping the lights on the house. We won't be putting any up this year, which means we won't have to take any down!

Simply Sarah said...

Yay! I love these bags! I am planning to use reusable fabric bags this Christmas instead of wrapping paper. AND all of the fabric came from my Grandma's stash! Reuse, reuse, reuse!

Anonymous said...

We are going green this Christmas by wrapping in re-useable bags, making tags out of old Christmas cards, re-using tissue paper, ribbon and tags (the tag my mother uses on my gift was written out about 25 years ago and some of the bows are that old too!), using LED lights on the tree, and no lights outside, and making as many of our gifts as possible out of materials we already have. Love the take one, make one bag idea!

Andi dreamsinseams(at)ymail(dot)com

Sue said...

Great idea's. We are going greener this year also. I have made Christmas gift bags in past years that we reuse every year, plan to make more... Have printed off gift cards, and plan to bake for some gift this year.

Natural Violet said...

Wow! Love the bags!! Great giveaway.

Sally said...

What an awesome project and giveaway! I am going green this Christmas is several small ways...making one or two knitted market bags (always good for toting gifts, too) and I am attempting to make gifts out of things I have...or by repurposing items from thrift stores.


Rachel said...

Love it. We are decorating newsprint and wrapping gifts in that.

Deanna said...

deannanb(at) gmail(dot)com

I'm giving a few gifts from Heifer.org


craftydill said...

This Christmas I am making and giving away reusable produce bags and using recycled or fabric gift wrapping.

This is an awesome giveaway and fabulous initiative! Thanks for the opportunity!! -Michelle


Ingrid said...

What a great project! I'm going green by making gifts, making the wrapping paper out of left over newspapers, and continuing to recycle, recycle, recycle!

Julie S said...

Cute bags! So much better looking that the ones you can buy at the grocery store! I guess we go green every year by purchasing only one gift for our daughter and one family gift. When everyone else has excess packaging on the curb to be picked up by the trash man, we have no trash at all!

Anonymous said...

We're going green this Christmas by keeping the shopping trips to a minimum, re-using gift bags from last year and years before, and hand-making as many gifts as possible. aehaas (at) gmail (dot) com

Heather said...

wow this is such a generous giveaway!! THANK YOU! I love how it is a pay it forward giveaway.
For christmas I will be using energy efficient christmas lights. And as always, reuse my plastic bags for all my grocery shopping (but a cloth bag would be better!)
Happy Holidays!

sb said...

I've been making cloth napkins for gifts this year and am hoping to use fabric gift bags instead of wrapping. I would love to make a green bag to give away too!


Kaz said...

What a fabulous giveaway.

I'm going green in several ways - I'm making, rather than buying most of my gifts, repurposing fabric for ornaments and such. Also, I'm going to sew up some fabric gift bags to reuse each year (in addition to reusing the paper gift bags I've received in previous years).

Thank you!

Hallie said...

I am challenging myself to either make (with repurposed items) or buy second hand treassures! Last year, I started "wrapping" gifts in reusable grocery bags instead of paper! It's a double gift and challenges my family to use cloth!

wpooh_9 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Your bags are beautiful!! Thanks for the chance to win one!

Unknown said...

I enjoy sending ecards to friends and family as my way of going green. Thank you for a great giveaway.

Crystal Hendrix said...

You are so generous! I am trying to give more presents in material this year.


Jennifer said...

I'm making bags for all the women in my life - nice waterproof/lined ones so that beach things don't get the back of the car all wet and sandy!


Vivian said...

I am going green by giving only things I have made from recycled fabric and things upcycled from Goodwill. I make and sell chalkboards from recycled frames, also. I would love to win a bag and I DO promise to use it!!


Kerri said...

We are making Christmas ornaments from gourds. :)

Jessica Jo said...

I am making all of my presents this year and not using any storebought paper beyond what i bought on sale last year.

Desiree said...

I just want to say I am still using my little bag from the last giveaway. She has been injured though due to my knitting needle :( This year I am going green by vowing to never, ever, buy wrapping paper again. I will use other things instead to make gifts fun and feel magical. Thank you for the chance to win. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. -dez

Kat said...

This Christmas I'm going green by making fabric bookmarks for all my friends. Those bags look so fun too!

<3 Kat - everadored(at)gmail(dot)com

noelle said...

Thanks for the giveaway! We've started making homemade baby food.

noelleholler AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Wow - that's a lot of bags! The majority of the gifts for my son are gently used toys.

Jessica said...

Such an awesome prize! This Christmas I am trying to make all my gifts, eliminating packaging.

Thanks for a chance to win.

Cal said...

Amazingly, I had not heard of you before. I think it is wonderful what you are doing, and I will surely like to be a part of it. I made all the gift bags for this year's Christmas presents, so far 10, using quilting cottons. I hope the recipients will re-use them and save at least some plastic bags out there in the world.

Saint Clerihew said...

We're going green by giving our kids second hand but new to them toys (playmobil!)

Jodi Renshaw said...

I am SOOOOO going green this year! First, all my son's Christmas presents are handmade by me or someone else. We made all our tree ornaments from old Christmas cards. And we are hosting a craft swap party :)

Thanks for this great giveaway and idea!

mummy2jj said...

i am using fabric bags to wrap presents this christmas!!!!!

Simply EC said...

I'm going green by making all of the gifts this year and reusing packaging we used last year.

erincomptondesign at gmail dot com

Jules@MoonCatFarms said...

I am using reusable fabric bags/pouches to wrap my gifts this year and using personalized ornaments as gift tags.

Thank you for the generous giveaway and for spreading the word about using these great bags.

mooncatfarms (at) yahoo (dot) com

Amber Addams said...

I love bags! A green holiday is filling up the recycling bin faster than the garbage!

Megan said...

Wowie zowie! What a giveaway. I'm trying to stay green this christmas by using materials I have on hand to make gifts, using craigslist and freecycle for materials I need and using fabric or scrap papers/old cards for gift tags.

Anonymous said...

This Christmas I am not buying anything new (except maybe some yarn). I figure this way, at least I am not directly financially involved in a transaction where I get for $10 what someone else got paid 5 cents to make in terrible conditions.

Also we are switching to cruelty-free meat and dairy, even for the holiday meal (which is expensive!).

Becky J. said...

making cute stuff with cute leftovers!


Kim said...

I love your bags and would love to give one too!
I'm staying green this Christmas by using only cloth bags as wrapping, by making most of my gifts, and giving charitable donations instead of un-needed stuff.

kimmieluwho at yahoo dot ca

Silka said...

This year I have given up my beloved wrapping paper in favor of wrapping cloths and bags.

Thanks for having a giveaway,
silkaphyllis at gmail.com

Kathryn said...

I will be upcycling magazine pages into wrapping paper, using "wrapping cloths" and other cloth bags for some presents for family members, refashioning old t-shirts and hopefully get a guitar themed quilt made out of bits of old clothing and old bedspread and sheet

SisterlyLove said...

I making presents out of recycled magazines and plastic bags! :)



katevet said...

I love your bags! my kids help me fecorate brown paper bags for gifts this year.
Thank you for the giveaway!

Paula L. said...

I'm going green by using fabric napkins instead of paper ones and also by making gift tags out of fabric and recycled paper - they will be reusable just by changing the piece of paper!
Thank you for the great giveaway!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

Laurel said...

Thank you for the gift wrap bag pattern. I am so excited to use it this year. Great blog first time visitor. I love you bags. I am currently using canvas ones I have had for years. They are functional, I never accept bags while shopping, but not pretty. I look forward to making some of yours! Thanks.
Laurel Johnsons johnslmatmsndotcom

Anonymous said...

This Christmas, I'm making gifts out of materials I already have, and using newspaper as wrapping paper.

jamey (dot) fisher (at) gmail (dot) com

CraftyJodie said...

I wrapped up all my presents in leftover magazine pages last year... pretty and colorful and make most of my own Christmas ornaments.
Great giveaway Thanks!

Bethany said...

I am planning on using reusuable gift wrap for my presents and am hoping to give organic wooden (sustainable) toys to my little ones. Thank you for the great giveaway.

Tricia said...

This is an awesome giveaway! It's very inspiring because alot of the time I feel like how can one person make a difference. Thank you for renewing my faith in the cause!

I try to be green year round. I think a great way to go green for christmas would be to give my family reuseable bags. I know they don't use them yet but I think they would. I'm also giving alot of handmade gifts.


Gill said...

this christmas all my presents are going to be in fabric bags rather than wrapping paper!
gill x

Elizabeth said...

This Christmas I am using my stash to make as many gifts as possible, I am making fabric gift bags, and my daughter and I are about to make ornaments out of old lightbulbs! Thanks fot the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

To go green this christmas i am getting most of my gifts from thrift stores. I am planing to make gift bags out of fabric to reuse every year. red_murray2(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

laursink (at) aol (dot) com
we are resuing wrapping and material wrapping that I already have on hand! Also our tree...is a real real tree that will be planted on Dec 26th

carriegirl said...

I am going green by making most of my gifts this year, many from recycled materials, and including fabric bags rather than giftwrap. Thanks for this great giveaway! :-)

Paula said...

Hi there!

I'm greener and greener each year ;^)

This year, we are making all our decorations with recycled materials. We have an activity advent calendar and the kids and I spend the afternoons preparing Christmas.

And we are also participating in a reforesting program for our city, here, near Barcelona.

You will have all the details in trespompones.blogspot.com pretty soon!

My address: paula(at)paulamariani(dot)com.


Lisa said...

Love the bags. We went green this xmas, everything has to be handmade or homemade and I'm wrapping everything in cloth shopping bags I'm making.

Katie said...

This year, we are newspaper "dressed up" as wrapping paper, with fun cut outs and colors added.

Trudy said...

trudy dot callan at gmail dot com

Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. I am also doing a giveaway. I have two blogs, www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com and www.artisticcreationswithtrudy.blogspot.com

My 9 year old daughter is having a giveaway on her sewing blog as well, www.sewingsister.blogspot.com

Hope you'll stop by and have a look around and enter our giveaways.

Have a blessed day.


sandandstarfish said...

i have so much scrap paper with cute christmas designs that i will be cutting up into cute tags for presents. i also use cloth bags when shopping (saving 5 cents per bag at target). we've also set a timer on the tree lights to make sure that we don't overuse energy and we've upgraded all our lights to led lights and donated our old one to needy families around the area.
hope i win because i love helping others go green as well!

Jen said...

great blog! this Christmas I'm making as many presents as possible using fabric and thing we already have. It gets those creative juices flowing!

you can contact me at www.crackpotshop.com

Thanks for your generosity!

Sarah G said...

I'm going green (in a small way) by switching to LED lights on my tree, and using gift boxes and bags from previous years. Awesome blog and giveaway!

Sarah G said...

Sorry I forgot my email: Sarah0587(at)yahoo(dot)com

ILuvBNaMom said...

I am going green this Christmas by sewing gift bags instead of using wrapping paper.
kl8ybug at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I am going green by making gifts from things I already have; bookmarks from paint chips, magnets from beer bottle caps, etc.


RyanSarahN said...

Wow this is a great giveaway! So generous. I love the bags. I also made a bag for a gift this Christmas, and I am making gift bows from magazine pages, (found the tute somewhere online, very easy to do - prob easy to find directions with google) I am also wrapping in fabric. Thanks again!
*almost forgot my email! haha
btw thanks for the tip on how to leave email without getting spam, i never knew why other people did it like that before!

Anonymous said...

Love it! We are making our wrapping paper by drawing on newsprint. Instead of bows, we used mailers cut into flower shapes. Thanks!

Misty from Oregon said...

Thats great. Im moving that direction one step at a time. I have some tote bags from various people and places I have commisioned them to be grocery bags. I love it. I know there are forces out there against the cloth bags too but not me Im with you. Now to figure out my bulk food issues with spices and things. Thanks for all the good info!

Shirley said...

I've been reusing the same gift bags for my son's gifts for many years. Other people usually get recycled Christmas paper. Thanks for the giveaway.

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