Crew Bags…

When I first got on the Sea Dragon, I gave bags to everyone. Here are 2 of the crew with their bags…

Dale, first mate who immediately wrote his name on his bag because things on the boat tend to disappear…
 Jeff, my team leader and all around great guy. Refers to himself as a "boat monkey…"
Have a great Saturday! Teresa


April S. said...

Hiya! Hope you're feeling better...any luck getting home sooner?

Anonymous said...

Jeff looks super with toile!!!+ plaid+headlamp! gotta love it.Land legs yet?

ViVy said...

Teresa, Adry sends you greetings!
She is on the Argentine side of the Cordillera de los Andes.
She is in a small town in the north of Argentina, but there isn't a good telephone signal (I do not know if it's the right way to say)
She climbed a hill to get better connection and can send my text messages =P
I send messages to her, and today I say: Teresa is giving away bags in Valdivia!!

Green Bag Lady Teresa said...

Thanks everyone. The headlamp was a running joke, funny you pointed it out Margaret!

Vivy--say hello to Adry. :)

April, I'll see you on the 27th hopefully!

harmony said...

Spreading the bag love!!