Free-bie free-bie free-BIE!!!

To the tune of "Cha-cha cha-cha cha-CHA" while shaking maracas. It's due time for a freebie don't ya think? We are all back to school and nutty, we need something fun going on. Here you go, 6 LOVELY bags up for grabs. Actually, EVERYONE who enters will get a bag. . .but 5 lucky winners will get one of the Amy Butler (thanks for being a sponsor Amy!) fabric bags shown below.
And ONE lucky winner will get to walk away with bag number 12,000, which is also lovely and dotty and happy and pictured below.
Again, EVERYONE who enters that does not already have a bag from us will get one! YAY! If you do have a bag and would like to encourage others to get bags, PLEASE DO SO, we will love ya for it! For reals (as my 11-year-old says).

Here's what you need to do:

•LEAVE A COMMENT on this post, IN THE COMMENT LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THIS FORMAT: name(at)something(dot)com it is important to spell out DOT and AT so you don't get spam, if you DO NOT leave an email address, we will not hunt you down to send you a freebie, thanks.

•In your comment tell us something fun about yourself, your dog, or your spouse (keep it clean, we are a family site!). :)


Good luck. . .well, everyone wins. . .even the environment, but if you are going for one of the 6 special bags, then GOOD LUCK! Teresa


Yay! It used to be that here in Nashville we could only recycle #1 and #2 plastic. Now we can recycle them all! If it has one of the symbols below you can put it in your CURBY bin.
For a complete list of recyclables in Nashville, go HERE.

It would be impossible for me to list info for every city, please google recycling in your city and find out what you can do! Teresa

France bag!

Hi Teresa....

Just thought I'd send you some pics of me n' my green bag in London... Next stop-- Scotland and Ireland!!!

Hope you had a nice summer...

Take care, 
Leesa in France

Well folks, Leesa wins the award for sending me the most photos of her and her bag! I love it (and at the same time very jealous of that well traveled bag)! Keep them coming Leesa, and those of you out there who have not gotten around to it, get going and send me a photo!!!!  Teresa

GUEST POST from A Green Crusader @ Work

Say no to plastic and paper bags
I need to thank Teresa for letting me be a part of Green Bag Lady. I have been an admirer and an ardent follower of her blog. Keeping in tune with her ideology and effort to make this world plastic bag free, I thought of sending in this post for my guest post entry.

Going to the market in the 80’s meant, people carrying their own fabric bags/satchels with them. Then plastic bags came in and over the last two decades, we were pushed into thinking that grocer supplied bags meant convenience. It is really unfortunate that we have come a long way with this "convenience".
Having realized its impact on our lives, a select few started looking for solutions and are trying to spread awareness. I came across this petition and wanted to show the lack of interest for such serious issues among general population. Please take the time to sign it.

There have been many such requests, crusades and petitions which have gone unheard. I agree that this is not the only problem plaguing us today. We need to start somewhere and this is the easiest change we could make and make a huge difference in the way we treat our planet.
Using a plastic (or a paper bag) cannot be a matter of choice anymore. Being conscious and making sensible decisions is the only way out.

You can make a difference too
Make sure you carry a decent sized bag with you and refuse a plastic bag at the billing counter. A small effort and; may be one bag at a time, and you will walk out of the store with a feeling of having done something right. Eventually, this will grow on you and you would have gone "green". Also, please stop asking for extra bags and don't justify that you use it to throw garbage out. Garbage doesn't decompose when enclosed in plastic bags. It only adds to toxic gas emissions.

Retailing giants are trying to do their bit by asking you to pay for the bag, it is not to see if you can "afford" it, but to cure consumers of their plastic bag addiction. Giving this point a thought means a lot to our planet. Come to think of it, the planet doesn't need us to save it. By doing our bit, we are keeping our hopes alive to see another generation survive on this green planet.
I am glad that Teresa has taken upon herself to reintroduce use of fabric bags. It is very encouraging to see her selfless effort to make and send out bags to people across the world. It motivates me to do what I do to be a part of this crusade.

Before I say bye for now…I would like each one of you to take a look around to rethink your choices; say one per day or at least a week and work towards making life plastic free.


Thank you Sudha! Keep up the great work too! Teresa


I am numbering bags for the Green Market in Mississippi this Saturday (come join us!) and I hit bag number 12,000! WOW can you believe it? Teresa

Oooh la la!

I'm so excited and had to share photos. I got 2 big boxes of fabric from the lovely Sara at P/K Lifestyles in NYC. The fabrics are wonderful, many include beautiful embroidery, we will certainly enjoy making bags from them! Thanks Sara! Teresa

Today at VerdeGoh!

We gave out many bags to wonderful people this morning down in Franklin, Tennessee at Verdegoh General Store. Which is owned by Josh Womack who also owns VerdeGoh Electric Vehicles. How cool is that? Check out the lovely Bagette Kathleen. . .
Kathleen makes a new friend. . .
Grandma and granddaughter get bags. . .
VerdeGoh General Store sells eco-friendly building materials and Mythic Paint too!
Go check them out! Teresa

Guest Post by Urban Comfort--Going Green. . .

Hi everyone--TGIF! For your Friday reading pleasure, a wonderful guest post from the LOVELY and FABULOUS Suzonne Stirling of Urban Comfort. My favorite is the last photo! Feast your eyes and enjoy. Thanks Suzonne! Teresa 
Upcycled champagne corksI've started noticing a subtle shift in my design interests. It's not an overnight process and I'm not particularly adept at executing the concept yet, but I find myself being drawn more and more to eco-friendly design and creative upcycling. I know it's almost trendy these days, but it would be better for all of us if it becomes a permanent trend.
I can't say exactly where it's coming from - more enticing designs that capture my attention and encourage me to think outside the box or an understanding that I need to be part of the solution, not part of the problem, or maybe just being the mother of a child who wholeheartedly embraces the idea of recycling and already is more clever with it than I am.
Whatever it is, as I find myself making changes to my home and thinking about what I'd like to add or what I need, I have first begun to question whether there's a way to repurpose something else.  As I've begun to travel down this particular design path, I am constantly inspired and encouraged by the efforts of others. Here's some of what I've found:
Fruit CratesThe steel shelving system I've had my eye on for the kitchen costs upwards of $400 and I can't say that I like it any more than this vintage fruit crate solution.{via Country Living}
Carriage seat
What a clever way to repurpose a carriage seat! {This, and title image of repurposed champagne corks via Poetic Home)
Suitcase ChairA vintage suitcase turned into a chair {Image via Recreate}
Dish display rackA shipping pallet turned dish display rack {via The Green Children}
Spoon Rack
Spoons and reclaimed wood turned into a useful coat rack {via Etsy}
Recycled Kitchen
I love how effortlessly recycled wood pieces mix with contemporary elements {via French by Design}
Upcycled-wood-crate-kitchenUpcycled wooden crate cabinetry {via Web Urbanist}
Yardsticks adorning stair risers {via Design Sponge}
RulerRuler Tabletop {via Country Living}
A clever way to repurpose old sweaters {via Country Living}
Plaster A plaster-dipped floral "sculpture" looks nothing like the artificial floral arrangement it started as {via Daily Danny}
Doily dressAdmittedly, this has nothing to do with the home, but a wedding dress created from repurposed doilies - brilliant! {via Handmade Bits and Pieces}

Join me tomorrow. . .

I will be speaking tomorrow at Verdegoh General Store in Franklin, Tennessee around 830am. I'd love to meet you and give you a bag! Teresa

Oil Spill Waste Heads To Gulf Landfills. . .

by Garance Burke and Jason Dearen

NEW ORLEANS — The cleanup of history's worst peacetime oil spill is generating thousands of tons of oil-soaked debris that is ending up in local landfills, some of which were already dealing with environmental concerns.
The soft, absorbent boom that has played the biggest role in containing the spill alone would measure more than twice the length of California's coastline, or about 2,000 miles. More than 50,000 tons of boom and oily debris have made their way to landfills or incinerators, federal officials told The Associated Press, representing about 7 percent of the daily volume going to nine area landfills.
Read the rest of the story HERE.  Teresa

John Francis walks the Earth

For almost three decades, John Francis has been a planetwalker, traveling the globe by foot and sail with a message of environmental respect and responsibility (for 17 of those years without speaking). A funny, thoughtful talk with occasional banjo.

via TED

No more plastic ware!

How is this for eco-friendly and very cool! Stack them and take them, no more "disposable" plastic ware! Also, since I have kids who love legos. . .get them here. Teresa

How much tuna?

Have you ever wondered how much tuna is safe to eat? I have. I tried to avoid all kinds of fish when I was pregnant after reading horror stories about fetal effects from mercury exposure. YIKES! Well, the Environmental Working Group has taken the guess work out of the tuna game. Go HERE and enter your weight and the calculator will tell you how many ounces you can eat per week. YAY!

Eco-Friendly Packaging

From creation to composting, EcoCradle™ packaging fit into nature's recycling program. The materials that go into EcoCradle™ are all naturally occurring waste products, like buckwheat hulls, rice hulls, or cotton burrs. Our production process harnesses the natural ability of our organism to self assemble lignin and cellulose into strong bio-composites. Because we grow materials without lots of heat, pressure, or petroleum, our process is extremely energy efficient. And once you’re done with an EcoCradle™ packaging buffer, it can be used as mulch in your garden, composted or even thrown away.

Isn't that cool? For all the info go here. Teresa

Russia Bag!

Thank you very much for the bag!
Antonina S.

Plastic Bag by Ramin Bahrani

Lovely and sad all at the same time. From Future States. Take the time to watch it. Teresa

Lucy's Bag Book

Along with fabric, sometimes people give me other little gems like this book from my sister's mother-in-law. Published in 1978, it is just CLASSIC, I can't get enough of the groovy photos.
I'm thinking they couldn't find a horse for the "saddlebag" photo and roped this poor dog into it. He looks so sad. . .
Since when is an apron a bag. . .
There are only 2 words for this photo, solid colors. . .
Apparently back then, they did not give you shoes to wear at the photo shoot, you just wore whatever grimy ones you already had in your closet. . .
Do you think this is the head that belongs to the legs in the photo above? I think so, I think in this photo he still has the shorts and sneakers on and donned the plaid shirt to look like a. . .cowboy? I'm not sure, still I'm confused about the saddlebag, were there no horses in 1978? Maybe you use this when you give someone a piggy back ride. . .regardless, I'm going to make one for my hubby, he better grow the groovy 'stash to go with it!
Hope you are having a good weekend. Teresa

What a GREAT idea!

TapIt water bottle refilling network was founded in 2008 to give New Yorkers free access to clean sustainable water on the go. Café owners sign up as ‘partners’ to provide tap water to those who carry a reusable bottle. Partner locations are easy to find using our search and mapping features (PC or Smartphone) or by downloading ‘TapIt Water’ from the iPhone App store. For those with limited access to technology, printable city maps can be downloaded and stickers can be found on café windows. 

I hope this goes nationwide in the U.S. soon, for those of you in Canada and London, check out BlueW.

Illinois Bag!

I got my bag and blogged about it here.

Thanks again!


Does it count. . .

if I recycle an OLD POST???

The message needs repeating.

The Ugly Facts About Plastic Bags

•Plastic bags are made of polyethylene
•Polyethylene is a petroleum product
•Production contributes to air pollution and energy consumption
•Four to five trillion plastic bags are manufactured each year
•Americans use over 380 billion polyethylene bags per year
•Americans throw away approximately 100 billion polyethylene bags per year
•Of those 100 trillion plastic bags, 1% are recycled
•It takes 1000 years for polyethylene bags to break down
•As polyethylene breaks down, toxic substances leach into the soil and enter the food chain
•Approximately 1 billion seabirds and mammals die per year by ingesting plastic bags
•Plastic bags are often mistaken as food by marine mammals. 100,000 marine mammals die yearly by eating plastic bags
•These animals suffer a painful death, the plastic wraps around their intestines or they choke to death
•Plastic bags choke landfills
•Plastic bags are carried by the wind into forests, ponds, rivers, and lake

Go HERE to read the entire article.
Thanks for reading! Teresa

I need a t-shirt with this on it. . .

Little Neighbor's First Day!

Little Neighbor had her first day of pre-school today. Remember the lunch box from this post? I think she likes it. :) Teresa

Many Bags!

Hi Teresa:
I thought you'd like to see roommates pic at the Rock and Roll Hall of
Fame in Cleveland with our bags that I registered at FiftyForward
Knowles in Nashville. The bags (and Mick Jaggers's outifts) brought
back sweet hippie memories. Roommates loved the bags and they will be
well used in Boulder CO, Columbus OH, and Charleston SC. Thanks again.


Please vote!

Please vote for the Green Bag Lady work space in a contest. I'd appreciate your votes! Go HERE to vote. Thanks! Teresa

Another new favorite, Jack Johnson!

I mean, who DOESN'T like Jack Johnson, LOVE the Curious George movie, now I like him even more! Thanks Jack (as though we are on a first name basis). . .Teresa

My husband wants to have family bike rides. . .

except I don't have a bike. I wish he would buy me one of these. Love! From Republic Bikes. You can customize your own! Teresa


Did you enter THIS freebie? Have you not heard from Bagette Dad (my father)? Please look in your spam folder, we want everyone who entered to have a bag. If you think you should have gotten a bag and can't fine the email, please leave us a comment here or email: bagettedad(at)gmail(dot)com  Thanks! Teresa

3B Bags

Great inexpensive produce bags!
These 3B bags are great, lightweight and washable. Right now if you order 3, you get another for free! OR, you could use the Green Bag Lady Produce Bag Pattern and make your own! Happy plastic free shopping! Teresa