Thank You Amy Butler!

Four boxes bursting with loveliness from Amy Butler arrived today!

Amy and Westminster Fibers donated fabric for table cloths that were used during the key note dinner at the Creative Connections conference that was recently held in Minneapolis. It is over 300 yards of fabric. Yippee! We are thrilled to make fun bags from it! Thanks Mallory and everyone at Amy Butler and Westminster Fibers. We heart you! Teresa

Iowa Bag!


Thanx for the bag!  It's just the right size, and with it being fabric I 
can roll it up and carry in my purse - more likely to take it into the 
store that way.  You Dad said I should send a picture of me using the 
bag, well, I take the pictures in my household so here is a picture of 
proof that I am using your bag.

Thanx again!

Chris Harwood
Walking with Christ

It's just weird. . .

. . .when you go to download photos from your camera and you realize that at some point your 8 year old took your camera and went around the house snapping pics. . .

Notice the fabric placed in the sewing machine? Be still my heart. . .

Does Going Green Matter?

Graphic by nbernhardt

Go voice your opinion in a very short Software Advice survey about going green...


Fun Fall Freebie!

How about a some fun this fall? We have some really great fall theme fabric bags that we would like to send out! Will you help us encourage more people the use fabric bags? We will reward you for it!

If you DO NOT have a bag from us (you can be anywhere in the world), please do the following to win a FREE bag:

•LEAVE A COMMENT, IN THE COMMENT LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN THIS FORMAT: name(at)something(dot)com it is important to spell out dot and at so you don't get spam, if you DO NOT leave an email address, we will not hunt you down to send you a freebie, thanks.


Also, we have TWO stainless steel composters for TWO of you who help us recruit NEW (they must be people who don't already have a bag from us) Green Bag Lady baggers. 

To enter the composter freebie (open to EVERYONE):

•Leave a comment with your name (can be a nickname) and your email address and tell us you are entering the composter freebie.

•Do a blog post/email/facebook/twitter, etc. and tell everyone to come and enter this freebie for a bag. Make sure they tell us you sent them in their comment. And, they all use the SAME name for you!

•The TWO people with the most referrals will get one of these fabulous composters to make your kitchen über green! Deadline is also midnight (CST) Wednesday, Sept 29, 2010.


11 well spent minutes. . .

From HERE. A lovely weekend to all of you! Teresa

YAY Washington DC!

A 5-cent fee on bags has gone smoothly in Washington, D.C. Below, a customer buys a bag to carrypurchases at the Chocolate Moose gift store.
 Capital Takes Bag Tax In Stride from the Wall Street Journal

  • SEPTEMBER 20, 2010

WASHINGTON Nine months after Washington's city government imposed a five-cent tax on disposable shopping bags at food stores, the small fee has spurred a big change in behavior with little evident griping.

Recyclable bags have become a ubiquitous accessory, and stores are reporting a sharp drop in the use of plastic and paper bags.

"I am somewhat surprised by the extent to which people changed their behavior," said Christophe A.G. Tulou, acting director of the city Department of the Environment. "What we've done is created a market mechanism that gives people an incentive" not to use disposable bags.

When it took effect Jan. 1, the bag tax met with some consumer resistance. It also created confusion, because it applies to purchases not only at grocery and liquor stores, but at any store a clothing store, a bookstore, a greeting-card shop that sells any food or alcohol.

The owners of Chocolate Moose, a downtown gift store that also sells candy, weren't keen on the tax at first. Co-owner Marcia Levi said it didn't seem fair to penalize a customer who took a bag with jewelry or greeting cards. But things have changed. "I think it's the best thing that's ever happened," Ms. Levi said recently.

A large paper gift bag, emblazoned with Chocolate Moose's logo, costs the store about 50 cents apiece; plastic bags cost about 30 cents. Now, 75% of customers turn down the bag for which they would have to pay only five cents and either whip out a reusable sack or carry purchases without a bag, she said.

Ms. Levi has changed her own habits. "If I go into Whole Foods and don't have my bags…you really want to dig a hole and crawl into it," she said.

The nickel fee has prompted many consumers to carry reusable bags, even though the fee usually represents a very small fraction of the purchase. Mary Richardson keeps five recyclable bags in her car trunk, something she didn't do before. "People didn't think about it before," said Ms. Richardson. "I have no problem with it, I really don't," she said.
The city doesn't have a precise way to measure the bag tax's impact. Prior to the law, residents used an estimated 270 million disposable bags a year, according to the city's chief financial officer; the city estimated that would decline by 50% in the first year after the tax was imposed.

A staff member for the councilman who sponsored the bill, Democrat Tommy Wells, said an informal survey of corporate headquarters for grocery stores and pharmacies with dozens of locations in the city estimated a reduction of 60% or more in the number of bags handed out.
The five-cent levy goes to a fund to clean up Washington's Anacostia River. Through the end of July, the city collected more than $1.1 million from the bag fee and small donations. At that rate, receipts are likely to fall short of the expected $3.6 million in the first year. Some city officials say that suggests more people than expected are bringing their own bags to stores.

"It's a bit of a double-edged sword," said Mr. Tulou, about the lower-than-expected revenue. "The higher the revenue, that means that more bags are in circulation, which is just what we're trying to not have happen."

The district hasn't begun warning or fining retailers who aren't charging for bags. That's to give businesses time to adjust to the law, and because the regulations haven't been finalized.

Gary Cha, who owns several Yes! Organic Market grocery stores in the city, said that bag use at his stores has dropped at least 75% since the fee began. He added that he was enthusiastic about its impact on the environment.

Mr. Cha's one complaint was that government officials didn't do a better job of explaining the fee largely went to the city and river cleanup, not to retailers. The first few months were tense for cashiers who dealt with customers "thinking that we are the greedy people charging," Mr. Cha said. "They were just getting all kinds of criticism." Those complaints have mostly died down in recent months, but as head of the local Korean-American grocers' association, he still hears occasional complaints from other grocers.

Some residents say the change is visible. "I saw a huge difference in the number of bags on the street," said Katie Elkins, an artist who spends about six hours a day outdoors as a dog walker. "I heard people complain about it for three or four months, but they don't complain anymore," she said.

There are a few holdouts. During his recent unsuccessful campaign for reelection, Mayor Adrian Fenty estimated that out of 100 people he talked to, perhaps two brought up the bag tax. If we hear about the bag tax, more often than not it's people [who] don't like it, just to be perfectly candid," Mr. Fenty said. A spokesman for his successful opponent in the Sept. 14 Democratic primary, Vincent Gray, said voters rarely mentioned the issue.

One skeptic is 73-year-old Mamie Bennett. "It's really an inconvenience," she said. On a recent trip to the store, she took one cloth bag from her car's trunk, but bought more than she planned. To avoid paying a nickel, she asked the cashier to fill her red cloth bag to the top and put other items into her cart. "I have to come back out [to the car] to save five cents," she said. "It's a nuisance."
Michael M. Phillips contributed to this article.

Ukrainian Bag!

Hello, Teresa!
Thank you for the bag, I was very pleased to receive such a gift from so far country! Now I take it everytime I go shopping and have no need to use plastic bags!
I send you my photo with my pretty bag from you.
Good luck!
Best wishes, Anna

National Geographic Photo Gallery: Polluted Oceans

Trash, Philippines

Photograph by China Photos, Getty Images

Sections of Manila Bay in the Philippines are so choked with trash, it's possible to walk across them without sinking. Street children like this boy regularly scavenge the bay's polluted waters seeking anything sellable.

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

Photograph by Ken Graham/Getty Images

A pool of saffron-colored oil paints swirls along Alaska's shoreline following theExxon Valdez oil spill in 1989. Although it was not large compared to other spills, the Valdez oil spill was one of the world's most ecologically devastating disasters, spoiling more than 1,200 miles (1,931 kilometers) of shoreline, including three national parks, three national wildlife refuges, and one national forest.

Garbage Dump, Alaska

Photograph by Ken Graham/Getty Images

An open-air garbage dump tarnishes the sapphire coast of Barrow, Alaska. Trash that makes its way into the oceans decomposes very slowly, littering coastlines, polluting ground water, and harming marine creatures that mistake the trash for food.

Garbage on Beach

Photograph by Bryan Mullennix/Getty Images

A miscellany of soda caps, drink cartons, and plastic scraps sits at the edge of an Acapulco, Mexico, beach. Plastic debris, which can take 500 years to decompose, made up more than half of the litter found on beaches in 2005.
This is just a handful of the images from this section at National Geographic. For all of them, click HERE. Teresa

Germany Bag!

Hi Teresa,
Thanks for your bag # 7,771! I use it each week when I go to the mobile library.
Lots of greetings from Munich, Germany,
PS: Here you see my blog post about your bag:

Where in the world is Leesa's bag????

Hey All,

I just updated my blog, News From France, with some pics of me and Lindsey... also my GREEN BAG!

Check it out!


Go HERE to see where her bag was last spotted!

Hand-me-downs. . .

Little Girl has never minded getting her big sister's hand-me-downs. I'm not sure why. I know I didn't like that when I was a kid and then I got to be the same size as my sister so then our little sister got twice the clothes. So, what can be more fun than getting hand-me-downs from big sister? How about ones from our dear friend Harmony? Little Girl was thrilled with all her "beautiful dresses from Harmony." It is quite sweet. Thanks Harm! Teresa

Dear Mother Earth. . .

Dear Mother Earth--


Sorry for the 80's. Sorry for the curling iron electricity. Sorry for the ozone depleting hairspray my "feathered friends" and I used.

I'm sure you are glad that decade is over.

Thanks for putting up with us.

Love--Teresa and the Bagettes 
(except for Bagette Dad who has no idea what "feathered friends" means, he's going to ask me about birds soon)

Any given Sunday. . .

A peek into what the Bagettes and I do on Sunday afternoons. . .

Bagettes Connie and Barbara ironing on labels and marking where the handles go. . .
I always cut or rip fabric, this is some of the great stuff we got in Mississippi. . .
And truly, some of the most lovely women in the world! Our newest helper, Bagette Bridget (I like how that sounds) I met her because she won a prize pack in this freebie!
Bagette Karen, never fails to CRACK me up. . .
Bagette Freida, joined during the flood sew-a-thon. . .
The ever amazing Bagette Connie. . .
And the super sweet Bagette Barbara. . .
Hope you are having a good week. Almost done. Teresa

Green Genes and Super Cuteness!

Green Genes run in Bagette Kathleen's family. Her adorable daughter Emily just opened an Etsy shop where she sells "upcycled solutions for the clothes-minded." Don't you LOVE it? Go check out her super cute clothes (at very reasonable prices) that she has been making from gently worn ones! Great work Emily! Teresa

To Go Where Compact Fluorescents Cannot

The EcoSmart line of LED bulbs marketed by the Home Depot, with the MR-16 at bottom right.

Mention “new lighting technology” and what leaps to mind is probably a compact fluorescent curlicue. Shaped like a soft ice cream cone, it is viewed as a replacement for the ubiquitous 60-watt incandescent light bulb, which looks almost like it did 90 years ago.
But a profusion of light-emitting-diode lamps is about to hit the market, many of them in applications that are awkward or impossible for compact fluorescents.
LED’s are still mostly specialty items sold on the Web. But by the end of this month, the 2,200 Home Depot stores around the United States will stock seven types, including two substitutes for the classic incandescent bulb, one of which my colleague Leslie Kaufman reported on recently.
But those are “not the most compelling use” of LED technology, according to Zachary S. Gibler, chief executive of the Lighting Science Group Corporation, which makes the lamps that Home Depot will stock. Replacing a standard 60-watt bulb, an LED will produce roughly the same amount of light per watt of electricity as a compact fluorescent; its only advantages, he said, is that it is fully dimmable and lasts a lot longer.
Read the rest of the article HERE.

Dear Mother Earth. . .

Dear Mother Earth--

You have 6 BILLION people living on you. You must be tired.

We can't live without you. You can live without us.

Truly yours, Teresa and the Bagettes

7:23 minutes

Well worth you time. My favorite quote from the video, "Only we humans make waste that nature can't digest." I'm honored he has a Green Bag Lady bag. Teresa

UK bag!

Hi there,
Thank you for your message regarding my comment on making my bag at last. The bag I won from you has been well-used and is going strong but it has taken me rather a long time to make up the fabric you sent me into a bag. The next thing I must do is give it to someone who will appreciate and hopefully use it.

She also blogged about her bag here.

(not to confuse, her name is Teresa too!)

2 great shopping bags. . .

Look at these fun bags. If I had the time I would make some of these for all of you! Maybe you can make some like this! If you do, please send me photos!

The bag was created by Sally Red. She says the following about her bag:

"When I thought about making a shopping tote, the old nursery rhyme "To market, to market" entered my head.  From there it went on to include, "to buy a pink pig and some peas"!  I used an old jacket, some quilting scraps, grommets from an old shower curtain (painted with a marker to stripe), some trim from my stash. The sweet pea design from www.bertinastudio.comThe pink pig from bag pattern is my own, based on the fabrics I had available.  I love the details on the bag...the quilted front and back, the colors, the whimsical theme, handy inside pocket, matching key fob, and the hand-painted grommets to help carry the weight of the full tote.  This should make grocery shopping a LOT more fun!"

This bag is from Margaret Ann Eaton from Australia.  She says the following about her bag:

"The materials are all natural except for the bead and floral embellishments. The bag exterior is made from Hessian, the lining is made from unbleached Calico and the straps are cotton webbing. The embroidery is done using natural Rayon thread and the whole bag is stitched together using cotton thread. The bag measures 12.25 inches wide by 13.5 inches high by 5 inches deep. The webbing straps are a very comfortable 2 inches wide by 23.5 inches long and continue underneath the base of the bag for added support to carry heavier groceries."

3 minutes. . .

Take 3 minutes to enjoy this beautiful planet. . .

Who knew?

That you can recycle bras? This is so great. I mean, it is a little bazaar to donate bras to Goodwill and now you don't have to, you can donate them to a good cause! Yay! I love this kind of stuff, especially since I have some sitting in my donation box and was feeling weird about it. Now, I am going to mail them off since there is not a drop off location in TN. Read everything at The Bra Recyclers. Gotta run, I have an envelope to stuff! Teresa


We are having trouble contacting some of the winners from THIS freebie. If your name is listed HERE please go check your spam folder so we can send you your loot! If you can't find the email from my father (David VanHatten) leave a comment and I will email you. Thanks! Teresa

Amazing Shopping Bags!

Click HERE to see some amazing and creative embroidered shopping bags from the Bertina Studio's Stash to Treasure contest. You even get to vote on your favorite. I love these bags, the one in the top photo includes chalk board fabric (who knew that existed?) so you can write your grocery list ON your bag, or keep a little one entertained in the cart. . .genius! And, who doesn't want to be a "Grocery Diva?" Anyway, I hope the ladies who made these will keep making them and giving them as gifts! Go VOTE! Teresa

Dear Mother Earth. . .

Dear Mother Earth--

Thanks for all the trees. Oxygen is nice.

We are still sewing and we still can't live without you.

Love, Teresa and the Bagettes

Utah Bag!

Here's a photo of me with bag #10699. It came on my birthday! Thanks so much!

Laurie Dyer
Bountiful Utah

Make a t-shirt bag!

Thanks Vanilla Joy! Teresa

Over the long weekend. . .

Besides going to Mississippi and having a great time, we got some other things done too. . .

went to Target and was SO happy to see these recycle bins! Plastic bags, glass/plastic/aluminum and MP3/cell phones/ink cartridges! YAY!!! People in stores must think I'm NUTS taking pics of bins all the time. . .
We also went to Home Depot for some paint and flowers. . .I have been WAITING for them to recycle those plastic pots and trays! I have yet to find out if they are REUSING them or just recycling them. I hope REUSING. Please Home Depot, reuse!!!
We got paint for the porch of the play house, boy it needed it. . .I even had some help. . .
And we freshened up our fairy gardens with some new petunias. . .
Hope you had a good weekend! Teresa